our family.

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(Y/N): LOGAN!!!

Logan: yeah baby.

(Y/N)(POV): I run to him and well kiss him, he holds me by my waist and I lean my forehead in his.

Logan: I told you I would be back.

(Y/N): yeah but you didn't say when.

Logan: thats because I had this whole surprise planed.

(Y/N): when did you get here??

Logan: I literarily got off the plane about 15 minutes ago and came straight here, to surprise you.

(Y/N): Oh my God the kids are going to be so happy.

Logan: yeah, and I'm sorry about not being able to make it to the girls first day, I'll try to make it up to them somehow.

(Y/N): yeah about that.(u grab your bag from the ground and set it on your table)

Logan:(he looks at you with a questioning face) what's wrong.

(Y/N) look I get that work it's important, but so are your your kids.

Logan: I know and what I do its all for them, for them to have everything they want.

(Y/N): you see sometimes it's not what you can buy, they need to spend time with you, they want to spend time with you.

Logan: I understand and that is why we went to Hawaii this summer.

(Y/N): yeah you see I don't think you understand because even tho Hawaii was amazing, it was only for a week, and that is about as much time you spent with them, what happened to sending summer wiht them, you only spent a week with them whats up with the rest?

Logan: look all of this traveling, its only temporary until all those things are set.

(Y/N): you see I would believe, but thats exactly what you said five months ago.

Logan: okay where isthmus coming from, you never complained about me spending time traveling before, why now, now that everything its almost set.

(Y/N): because its not just this I know it, because after this there will be another project and so on, and you are going to keep missing things like their first day, their birthday, their games, performances, I mean you have missed so much and you don't even realize it.

Logan: look yeah I'll admit I've missed quite a few things but they understand.

(Y/N): do they Logan? have you bothered on asking them, because for the past three months the one question I keep getting from them, it's will daddy come home?, they are terrified of loosing you, and thats how they feel, they feel like they lost you, but you are too busy to realize it.

(Y/N)(POV): he is about to say something but Akela knocks at the door, I wonder what he is thinking, I mean I dont mean to be harsh on him but he needs to know what happens at his house and I need to tell him so we can fix it.

Logan: I'm goin got go home and shower, maybe even take a nap, we can discuss more about it later.

(Y/N)(POV): he walks closer to me and kisses me goodbye, after that rest of the day just goes on as usual, s few meetings and photoshoots, some calls and check ups on the new store, after that I drive home and expect to find everyone there, but no one is home so I call Logan.


(Y/N): hey where are you guys.

Logan: oh I decided to take them out for ice cream, to celebrate their first day, we will be back in a few minutes don't worry.

(Y/N): oh okay thats okay don't worry I'll just get started on diner.

Logan: sounds good , see you in a few Love you.

(Y/N): yeah see you, love you too, tell the kids I love them too.

Logan: (chuckles) yeah I'll let them know, bye.

(Y/N): bye.


(Y/N): after they come back from their little day out I sit them down, we eat dinner and then we help the kids with their homework, and Logan and Cam talk about cams football season and I helps the girls get ready for bed, the next day Logan wakes them up and helps them get ready he takes them to school and by the time I wake up everyone is gone but he leaves a note on the counter that say "took the kids to school, and get ready cause we are going out for the day, I already called Nora she will take care of the office fo the day, LOVE YOU Logan."

I swear he surprises me and amazes me so I do as he says I get ready for our date.

Life beyond the Logang. (Logan Paul X reader) (Second book)Where stories live. Discover now