This Asshole Again

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The Alarm goes off, I wake up feeling like shit and not in the mood already, That did not stop my mum though from yet AGAIN shouting up from the bottom of the stairs. I shout back down tho with a more aggressive tone, She then gasps and walks away after that. I was shook at myself for even doing that but she gets annoying A LOT so i have not choice but to tell her by shouting that i'm not in the mood today or something like that so she sort of gets my message.

// Skip Time, At School //

As i walk down the same boring quiet hallway like i do everyday, Nothing changes, I realise NOBODY is around or to be seen. I got creeped out so i decided to just go to the Principals Office.

// Principals Office //

I knock on the door around 3 times already and no one answered so i just walked in, At this point i did not give a shit, But it was not like i did earlier or yesterday. 

Yeona: Hello??


Yeona: Hello!?


Yeona: Ugh, Screw this then.

I walk away from the door my heart pounding but still not caring, I actually felt the beats in my mouth which lead me to know that i actually was freaked the fuck out. All of a sudden the bell goes, Then out of NOWHERE students come from out the classroom doors, At this point i gave up and walked out of that school before the cameras where turned back on since they turn them off on the inside because she teachers don't let any students leave for any reason so there is no need to worry tho they do keep them on AROUND the entire school for safety reasons obviously.

// At Home //

Yeona: Ugh, What time did i waste? jesus, I need help.

I sigh and get out of bed, Going to the kitchen and grabbing my full bottle of Fanta from the fridge which i put in earlier. 

A/N: I actually did this XD

Yeona: Ok, Good, It's still full thank goodness. 

I go back up stairs and as soon as i reach the room i get a message on my phone or AKA Notification from the app Snapchat, I grab my phone, Unlock it and go onto Snapchat to see if it was from my sister, friends or anyone like that who i KNEW. Surprisingly it was from someone i COMPLETELY did NOT know at all so i got concerned and had a small process to see if i told or if someone told me that they will add me on this, Nothing.

Yeona: Ugh, Whatever.

I just ignore it and thought it was some creepy person but before i turned my phone off i turned of my location just in case this person was in my area close by or knew where my house was.

// 25 Minutes Later //

I get another notification from the same user, I sigh and say "fuck what does this dipshit want?" inside my head before unlocking my phone and going into it.

???: Hello?

Yeona: The fuck? what do you want, asshole go away.

???: No need to be rude, You should know how i got your contact :)

That's when i remembered on what happened on Monday, That guy, Park Jimin? 

Yeona: Um..No, Clue?

???: You apologised before i could say anything?

At that moment i thought "Oh fuck, That stalker? or weirdo?"

???: Yes, that's who i am, I know your thinking on what happened that day, Good girl you got it right.

Yeona: Fuck off.

???: Wai-

Before this person could even get ANOTHER word in i go off Snapchat and turn my phone off completely that way i would not be or get disturbed again.

// 23:40 At Night //

I was on my computer sitting peacefully watching my favourite videos on YouTube, I kept looking over at my phone a few times to see if anything happened about Snapchat, Nothing. Thank god. 

I turn off my computer after i feel like i just wanna pass out (sleep forever) and get into bed then fall asleep.

Ding! A New Notification Has Came Through You're Phone By Snapchat! Open it up to see.

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