A Flashback

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// Friday //

Friday came, Finally we are off tomorrow, I wanted to have a sleepover with Bo-young since i don't do much on Saturdays so i was not busy at all obviously. 

I get up and do the normal morning routine etc, But doing that same routine brought a thought into my head, A Flashback, About that Snapchat issue. I get a chill and goosebumps appear everywhere, I ignore it and dry my hair, And get ready all that.

// School //

I walk down the hallway this time seeing everyone, And i mean everyone standing talking to their friends or people walking by me like the usual. But i got to the middle of the hallway and unlocked my locker like normal, As i finish getting the usual i somehow almost trip over something, I freak out and almost scream. BUT that's when i realise someone whoever it was had caught me. I look up at the person and right away go RED for some reason, I get up and push the person away.

Yeona: Ugh, YOU AGAIN? WHAT do you WANT?

???: You, I want to talk to you.

Yeona: Well, I want to say something first. 

I take a deep slow breath and close my eyes, Then i reopen them and give him a DEAD daring stare with my blue eyes. 

Yeona: Fuck.Off.

After that i walk away leaving him confused but also very shocked. I smirk on my way and head to my first favourite class (Dance) which made me more happier about today and made me forget about that creep.

// Dance Class //

I walk in after changing and get into my position since now it's my turn, I'm dancing alone this time.

The Music Starts.

BTS (방탄소년단) 'DNA'


I finish and EVERYONE was clapping louder than yesterday so i was happy that i was getting better and getting higher scores than everyone in the class though my cousin, Bo-young was behind me which is cool.

// Time Skip, Home //

I get home and sit downstairs but go up to my room and grab my PC from upstairs. I come back and go on it while the TV is on and chill with my dog Yeontan

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