v - beginning

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v - beginning


a long, long time is far worse than any of them ever anticipated. 



louis's whole body goes numb. he's not even inside the house, hasn't even gathered up what he came here for, but he's already considering leaving. because harry is here


harry gives him a cold look. he's holding a duffel bag. "i was just about to leave." 


he doesn't. he pushes past louis, their shoulders hitting each other roughly. it's the only physical contact they've had in months. louis feels tears prick behind his eyes, and doesn't bother to stop them. he has no reason to be happy, no reason not to cry. 

the love of his life has just walked away, and he can't even find it in himself to stop him. 


louis ends up sleeping their bed that night. he had found one of harry's sweaters in the closet, the only piece of clothing that belonged to the younger man still left behind. louis wants to believe that it was on purpose. he knows it probably wasn't. 

the sweater still smells like harry, so louis pulls it on and sleeps with it pressed over his nose. by the morning, it's soaked with tears, but he takes it back to his own flat and doesn't wear anything else for the next three days. 


a month passes. it's filled with family and photoshoots and meeting fans and trying to hide how painful every step is when they don't have each other. 


on june sixth, two thousand and fourteen, just before they're due to go onstage, louis watches as harry pulls a ring from his bag and puts it on his left hand. 

harry looks over and catches his eye. 

he smiles.


that night, louis finds a velvet box sitting on his bunk. he opens it, and instantly slides the silver band onto his left middle finger. 

he looks down the bus and into the living room, where harry is standing just in his line of sight. their eyes meet. 

they smile. 


( it took too long, but the new beginning finally rose up from the ashes of their terrible ending. )


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