iii - shattering

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iii - shattering


the movie is finally finished. all of the final edits have been made, the audio files synced up, the bonus scenes added, the proper acknowledgments made. previews have been released. the movie will premier on the twenty ninth of august, and they only have a couple more months of tour to go. 

it's been a month since harry tossed the engagement ring on the counter, and it's been a month full of lonely nights and attempted apologies from both parties, apologies that are never really perfected or accepted. 

things are so much worse than either one of them originally thought. 


harry wakes up at 2:37 the night before the premier. the guest room door is creaking open, and someone is slipping inside. harry doesn't move, tries to pretend that he's still asleep, that maybe the tension in the room will leave with the heartbroken man only a few feet away from him. 

louis doesn't leave. he slides into the bed and whispers, voice small and vulnerable, "please. please, harry."

harry can feel his heart break all over again. he rolls over and hauls louis closer, smashing a kiss to what he hopes is his lips and trying not to think about how long it has been, and why

they don't talk while they have sex, that night. it's a new development. louis hides his face in the pillow, and harry hides his face in louis's shoulder. it's quick, and it's rough, and after they've finished harry wonders if louis will stick around for cuddling. 

he doesn't leave, but they don't touch. there's a stormy ocean of ruined sheets between them, and they both know that nothing can calm it. they need to wait it out. 


that morning, while harry showers, he realizes that some of the water on his face isn't coming from the shower head. 


in the car ride to the premier, harry reaches a hand down and smoothes it over louis's. it's another failed apology, but they still hold onto each other until the door to the car opens and the flashes of the cameras remind them of the potential the world holds. the potential to ruin their lives and everything they've worked so hard to achieve. 

harry knows that the most important thing in his life is already ruined, and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix it. 


the world around them has shattered, bringing their hearts with it. the poison has spread, and it has infected everything they used to love. 


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