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I didn't see Haru for a couple days after we kissed. I saw him at practice when I passed by the pool on my way home, but we didn't talk or even exchange glances. I was fine with it but I felt like he was avoiding me. I had ended up walking slower than normal just so I could watch him swim, but it wasnt until a week after the incident that we talked.

"Hey." I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me, instinctively turning my head around and letting out a relieved breath when I locked eyes with Haruka. "Hello." I started walking and he followed, walking me home without even asking if that was, in fact, where I had been going. It was. "How are you?" He looked up at me and muttered a soft, "Good."

"That's good" He nodded and continued a little before he spoke up. "Sorry about... yesterday. I wasn't trying to be forceful." "You weren't. Idiot." His lips twisted into a small smile. "Slave." "Princess." He chuckled and we walked in silence until we arrived at my house. I had to shove the images from our date out of my mind to keep myself from blushing. Again we stood there until Haru leaned down and gently kissed me before saying goodbye. "Wait!" He turned towards me, my face was at least twelve shades of red. "Do you... um... want to come in and have some tea...?" He nodded and walked up next to me, following me into my house. "Are your parents home?" He asked quietly. "No, they're out of town." I motioned towards one of the chairs in the room and he sat down on the couch, his eyes following me into the kitchen.

Once I was out of his sight and the kettle was heating on the stove I shrank down against my fridge, my fingers flying to my lips. Haru had been my first kiss that day at the pool, he was the only person I had ever kissed and it felt so right it hurt. I just sat there, wishing that I could keep him forever, but I knew I couldn't. I had less than five months left. It was either going to end terribly or not at all and the thought of him leaving me made my heart clench up now I didn't want to imagine how much worse it would be in three months. The kettle whistled and I got up and turned the stove off.

I walked out to find a sleeping Haru and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, he looked so cute when he slept, but from the twitching of his brows and the low mumbles I was guessing he wasn't having a pleasant dream. I walked over to him, setting the tea down on the table on my way. "Haruuuu." I poked his cheek and his face twisted up a little and I giggled slightly "Princess, you'll catch cold sleeping there." He mumbled something and grabbed my arm, pulling me onto the couch and up against his chest. "H-H-Haru!" He peeked one eye open then closed it, rolling over and taking me with him. "Haru, this isn't funny." He mumbled again than kissed my cheek, I felt my face heat up and I tried to shoot up but he pulled me back down. "Stay, please." I sighed and laid back down turning my body away from him. I gasped as he pulled me closer. "You're tea is going to get cold." He shot up, falling of the couch. He quickly grabbed his cup as I eyed him suspiciously. I could tell he had been blushing and I found myself thinking he was cute for the second time today. He took a sip and sat crossed legged on the floor. I joined him, laughing at his twisted expression when he burnt his tongue.


After we had finshed our tea he stood up suddenly. "Thank you, Slave." "No problem, princess." He walked towards the door and opened it, a blast of rain hitting him in the face. Haru slammed it, and leaned his back against the wall. "Sorry, I didn't expect that." He tried again and as he left I wanted nothing more than to drag him back in here. I raced out the door, calling for him until I found him at the end of the street. He chuckled when he saw me, I was probably a mess. "Kasai, You're going to get sick!" He pulled me a little ways down the street and into a house on the corner. "Stay here." He turned on a light then ran up stairs, coming down with a two towels a couple seconds later. He threw one at me and I just stood there, trying to dry my hair. He pulled on my wrist, dragging me up the stairs. I blushed when I realized he was taking me to his room. "You can sit anywhere." I hesitated, "I-I think im okay. I just wanted to... make sure you got home safely." He laughed and I'm pretty sure I morphed into a tomato. "I'm not letting you go back out there, Kasai." I shook my head and took a step back towards the door. "I don't want to be a nuisance..." I continued to dry my hair and take slow steps, distancing myself from Haru. I turned to face the door and he pulled me into him, we toppled to the ground, my back up against his chest. I struggled to get up but Haru's grip on my waist wasn't going to budge. "You're doing that wrong." He entwined his legs with my own to keep me from squirming as he sat up. Haru grabbed my towel and started drying my hair. I kept moving for a while but I knew I wasn't getting away. "P-Princess, please let me go..." He smiled gently. "But slaves are supposed to stay put." Blush spread across my face as Haru set the towel down. "I should... go." I tried to get up again but he just pulled me back down. "Haru!" "I'm not letting you go back out in the rain." "What am I supposed to do then? I don't think your parents would let me stay here."  He looked down at me and it took everything in me to restrain myself from pulling him down and pressing my lips against him. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I was nervous. Way too nervous for my comfort, I was mainly worried about staying the night at a guys house, the fact that it was Haruka made it worse.

"I don't think they'd mind."

I sighed, resting the back of my head against his chest. I could see a hint of blush on his cheeks and mine turned red in return. "I'm not sure that I should. I wouldn't want to bother you."

"You don't want to be home alone, do you?"

"Is it that obvious?" He nodded and hugged me tightly. His grip was still solid but it was comfortable and I had a hard time trying not to fall asleep. "You can sleep if you want. I'll be fine." His breath tickled my ear and the rumble of his voice made me smile. Haru reached for my hand and entwined his with mine then leaned down and quickly kissed me. His face was incredibly red and I chuckled at him. I laid there for a little bit as he hummed softly and I eventually fell asleep to the sound of his voice.



Sorry for the incredibly long wait. I lost hope with this book but I know where I'm going now~~ You can expect more updates. I will finish this, even if I have to force my lazy butt up. Tell me what you guys think about the new romance-ish stuff~ Oh, da... I forgot...

THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY READS!!! ;~; I love you guys... really. I dooooo. I love hearing from you guys so don't forget to yell at me for being a bitch later in the book. Whoops... That slipped. Oh, well. By the way, Haru is going to get a bit more OOC. Mainly because he's not romantic. At all.

Thanks guys *-*


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