Not an update sorry :(

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Updates will still be coming, (hopefully one tonight but I haven't even started it tbh)

But just,

School starts in a little more then a week,

I have college orientation tommrow,

I'm in high school, I'm a Jr, taking college classes.

So yeah

I'm hella stressed.

And like I'm doing this career volcational program for construction so yeah.


And we have 5 big projects at my house rn and I basically am doing half of them alone


And my parents are yelling at me non stop


And I still go to the animal shelter I volunteer at every morning.

Aka the only thing good in my life rn other then the support I receive on this book tbh

I'm a very awkward person, I'm kinda closed off ever since I was hospitalized for susicidal tendencies in April.

We are currently waiting on a case that we are taking to court over someone violating HIPPA laws against me.

And I already have

Clinical Depression

Bad anxiety

ADHD, so getting anything done is a bother

Misophonia, (google it I'm not explaining it)

And yeah

I don't really have friends that I can just text about anything or hang out with so my life is just a mess with an independent system.

Aka I don't have shit for support in my life other then "therapists" or "counselors"

Like bitch I need friends I know, I just don't have any.


So yeah, my life's a wreck

I'm not asking for pity

Just patience.

Much love :)


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