"Ugh Of course. Do we have someone seated beside or across you? We're the only one here." She rolled her eyes. This is the reason why Jennie doesn't have friends aside from us. They find her cold and unapproachable but she's otherwise, I swear.

"I don't know. Maybe you're talking to someone near our table."

"You're the only one I know here. Stop being stupid, Lisa." I just laughed. She's pretty savage. Oh sorry. She' pretty and savage. Yeah that's it 

"Ahh yeah. Haha. I-i'm sorry. I just browsed it in the net."

We continue talking, school related stuff only. She'll ask question, I'll answer stupidly, and she'll reply savagely until the two arrived.

"Sorry we're late. Traffic jam." Rosé said as she sipped in my drink.

"Your school is literally steps away, Rosie." Jennie answered.

"And we're late because of course, we just can't crossed the road that easy. What if some car bumped us? We'll be chicken dead if that happened." Jisoo said.

"C'mon, Jisoo. We all know that it's easier to cross roads if it's traffic because all cars are not moving. They'll not bump you, silly." I answered.

"Ooh. Lisa is learning from Jennie, huh? Is that what will happen if you'll spend your 2 hours dating?" Jisoo said teasing.

"Stop it, Chichu. You're making them blush. Look at them, they looked like an overripe tomatoes." Rosé laughed.

"Quit it, guys. Let's just buy our foods." Jennie said and we proceed.

Rosé and I are in charge in buying our snacks while Jennie and Jisoo are in charge in buying our meal. After few hours, we decided to part ways and go home.


Thursday, 5:30pm

I just arrived here in front of Jennie's house because this is the meeting place. I parked my car then honked so Jennie will know that I'm here already. Minutes later, I saw her opening their main door and signalled me to come in.

"Just wait here. I'll just prepare my things." I nodded in response and studied their house. It's quite big for a house. It's more like a mansion, a chateaux to be specific. It's very Asian from the outside but it's actually Westernized inside. Classic.

There are family portraits hanging on the wall and I noticed that Jennie is an only child. I only heard that her parents are both doctors but never knew that she's only child.

"Hi. You must be Lisa." An old lady approached me and handed me a drink.

"Good evening. Yes, I am Lisa, Jennie's friend." I bowed and she laughed. What's wrong?

"You don't need to bow, kid. I'm just Jennie's nanny. You can call me Sally."

Aunt Sally is very nice. We talked a lot while waiting for Jennie. I found out that she is actually the one who took care for Jennie since she's baby because her parents are busy. She's basically the one who raised her that's why they are somehow similar. Except that Jennie's cold.

"You know what? Jennie's always talking about you that's why I recognized you instantly. She's always saying 'Lisa this...', 'Lisa that...' and I'm so happy that you're making my baby happy." She said rapidly. Wait..what? Jennie's talking about me?

"Since when did you became friends?"

"Since 7th grade, auntie."

"Ohh, I see. You must be really close then. Honestly, I think Jennie's having a crush on y---"

Enigma: A JenLisa One-shot Compilation Where stories live. Discover now