Chapter Four|Train Ride

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Palms outstretched, Charles felt the smooth and cool metal crest drop into his hands. A jet black background with a single crimson stripe... he could hardly believe it was happening. he was going to be placed on the frontlines!

He was handed a train pass and given some instructions, but everything was in a blurred haze. As if he was watching himself move from outside of his own body. Walking to the train, he found himself snapped out of his state by someone knocking into his small frame, knocking the ginger over easily. He coughed violently, and looked up, to see a girl looking down at him. She had long black hair and a large birthmark(or was it a scar?) that covered one of her shoulders and some of her neck. She jumped slightly in shock.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Let me help you up." She said, leaning down and outstretching a hand. Charles paused for a moment, before taking her hand. It was freezing cold, and he let go as soon as he was upright, for fear of freezing. "D-don't worry about it," he mumbled, rubbing his arm up and down. "It happens all the time." The stranger smiled, and Charles noticed her crest. She had a gray-red crest.

"Well, that's a relief! I mean, not that you get knocked over all the time but... well, you get what I mean!" she giggled awkwardly. "Anyway, my name is Kouri! My ability is Cryokinesis. What about you?" Everything she said was so fast that Charles barely had any time to get a word in before she stopped and awaited his answer. It had only been a few minutes, but talking to this girl was already making his head hurt.

"I'm Charles," he said, hesitating before adding, "And I'm a Hemokinetic."

As soon as the words left his mouth, her face lit up like fireworks.

"Woah, really? That's so cool! Is that why you look like a gust of wind could knock you over? Does it make you super sick or something?" she asked, suddenly poking and prodding at Charles. His breathing got shakey as she did, and noticing this, she backed up a bit. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to startle you," she said. Charles rubbed his arm harder now, almost scratching it.

"No, it's no big deal. I really-"

He was interrupted by the rumbling of a train pulling into the station. Checking his ticket and then the time. He smiled at Kouri.

"Well, I really hate to end this so soon, but that's my train." he said, already backing away, and not really that sorry. Kouri glanced at her ticket as well and looked up at him with a huge dopey grin, and a lump formed in his stomach.

"No way," she said, "This is my train too!" She bounced over to him and took him by the arm, the two of them walking into the train. Charles was quite uncomfortable, but was too quiet and shy to say anything. Besides, Kouri seemed to be enjoying herself, and that's what mattered.

Sitting down in the same car, the two looked around at the various other anxious and excited faces. This car was one of the first cars and designated for the military. meaning almost all of the people here were new recruits. The silence was occasionally(and by occasionally I mean frequently) broken by Kouri oohing and aahing at the scenery outside the window, or making a comment about Charles or herself. It seemed that she could never sit still or stop talking for very long. just when Charles was getting used to the peace and quiet, she would start up again. At the very least, it made the train ride feel much shorter.

Outside, the duo watched the world around them slowly change. Thick forests of trees and beautiful lakes transformed into smokey abandoned battlefields and military bases. After a few hours of traveling, the gunshots and explosions in the distance alerted Charles that they arrived. The train shrieked to a stop, and everyone shuffled off and onto the station. They checked their tickets one last time, and to both of their disbelief, they were heading to the same military base. it seemed that Charles wouldn't be able to escape this fast-paced girl after all.

Drearian Military Base #17. The place of some's dreams, and most's nightmares. The first line of defense against gods-know-what. And the place that Charles would probably spend the rest of his life.

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