Chapter Three|Hemokinesis

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The lieutenant recoiled in shock, almost instantly taking her hand off of his shoulder as if he was scorching hot. The captain took notice to this immediately and came over, alarm etched into his face.

"Lieutenant? What's the matter?" he asked, as she stared at Charles. Her expression was much, much different now. before she was mostly relaxed, with hints of annoyance or curiosity. B=Now, she looked terrified. charles tried and failed to keep a straight face, clutching his shirt as his airways tightened. The lump in his throat was a bowling ball now, suffocating him. The feeling of her probing around in his magic... the look in her eyes...

"You... are you sure you're actually a cripple?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. Every word that came out of her mouth were the words Charles' had dreaded his entire life. He did not respond.

"What are you babbling on about? Of course he's a damn cripple! Look at him!" Captain Andrews yelled. Lieutenant just shook her head.

"No. That boy... that boy is a hemokinetic. He can control blood. Were you not aware of this? Who even are you?" She asked, never taking her eyes off of Charles. In ten minutes, his entire world had crumbled around him. The fragile but safe little walls of lies were being crashed down one by one, revealing the truth beneath. that he had, in fact, one of the most lethal and rare abilities known to man.

Let's rewrite the beginning.


Charles August Lowell was born to two ability-crippled parents, but was extraordinarily not crippled.

Most children start developing their abilities around the age of five or six, but Charles did not discover his until much later, around eleven or twelve years old. He had accidentally cut himself with a knife and, not wanting to get blood on any of the surfaces in his mother's very clean kitchen, had watched in awe and confusion as his own blood floated in a suspended state above the ground.

He had never had anything like this happen to him before, but since the war had already started, he knew this was bad. Very, very bad. Once the military found out he had such an ability, they would either cart him off to war, or to a lab to be tested and experimented on. And he wasn't sure which was worse.

So by luck, chance, and a whole lot of lying, Charle had managed to have everybody fooled that he was a cripple. It wasn't that hard, anyway. His parents were ability-crippled, so him being anything but would be absolutely ridiculous, wouldn't it? But now it was slipping through his fingers, and before long he wouldn't be known as the cripple kid.

He would be known as the super powerful soldier from a small town.

"I-I didn't even know I had such a power!" He cried, hoping that the least he could do is shield the truth. the panic in his eyes was from being found out, but they didn't know that. It could have well been from learning of something so extraordinary. And while praying silently to the gods he didn't believe in, the lies he was feeding the soldiers sunk in and worked. The Lieutenant placed a careful hand on his shoulder again, this time not probing for answers, but instead trying to calm him.

"It's okay. I've seen cases like this before. just not so... drastic." Her words, like before, were like tip-toeing on eggshells. And surprisingly enough, Charles took a few deep breaths, and his heart stopped pounding in his ears. The metallic taste of blood stuck in his throat, but he ignored it and swallowed. If he could keep this up, he could rebuild everything that was damaged. With a slightly trembling hand, the Lieutenant scribbled something down.

"...Hemokinesis. Black, red. As is customary, you will be sent to a frontline camp. Good luck, Lowell." She whispered, clearly shaken from the experience. looking around, it seemed that everyone was. Those close to Charles had faces of fear and awe, and those far away were curious, peering over shoulders to get a glimpse of the cripple-turned-extraordinaire. The stares he was used to, but the reasoning behind him he was not.

How would he fare out on the front lines? What would his feloow soldiers think of him? Was he really a black-red?

So many questions, and never enough answers. 

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