Chapter 18: First Dance

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Chapter 18: First Dance

*Ada POV*

"Adalyn! Come here! I want to show you something!" I groaned. My wrists were still sore from Justin's dad grabbing them. But the bruises were going away. My stomach was sore, and it hurt like hell. But of course they were making the pregnant girl walk around the damn house like shes freaking one week along. I sighed and walked downstairs to see a very excited Justin and Pattie and Cody playing in the living room.


"Get dressed. We're going on our first date."

"You called me down here just to make me go back up?"

"Yeah... Guess I did."

"Your a jerk."

"But I'm your jerk."


"Seriously though, get dressed in something warm."

"This doesn't sound good."

"Just trust me. Everything is going to be just fine." Yeah.. That's what you said about your dad and look where that got us. I found some plain blue skinny jeans, and a warm black sweater. California gets cold at night. I grabbed my phone and got my combat boots on. (Just because I was pregant doesn't mean I can't wear my favorite shoes) I walked downstairs and saw Justin.. Nowhere. Where the hell was he? Then the doorbell rang, I went to answer it.. But Pattie beat me to it.

"Hi Miss Mallette, I'm here for Adalyn." Oh.. He's doing this the classic way. How sweet.

"She's right here. I smiled.. But how did I not hear him walk out?

"Hey Ada. I got these for you." Awe.. Is he blushing? I took the roses from him and set them on the counter because I knew Pattie would put them in a vase ot something later on. "Shalle we leave?" Is he going to act like this the entire night? Justin led us to the car and he opened the door for me, while kissing my cheek.

"Your acting really cheesy tonight. Just so you know.."

"Please, all of this is in the plan. First dates are supposed to be cheesy. Get used to it." He playfully snapped. I just rolled my eyes and didn't even ask where we were going because I knew Justin wouldn't tell me. It wasn't a very long ride. You'll never believe where he took me.

The park.

I sighed and got out, with Justin's help because God forbid I walk out alone for 3 seconds.

"I know this is really weird. But I promise you'll love it." It's not like I expected him to take me to a 5 star restaurant. I was actually happy he took me to the park. I felt free.

"I hope you like it.. My mom helped me."

"Awe.. Did Justypoo get help from his mommy?" I giggled in a baby voice while pinching his chubby cheeks.

"Yeah.. I did.. I didn't know what you would like.. And it's been like so long since I've been on a date with a real girl.."

"Who'd you loose your virginity to?"


"Dates are for to get to know the person. We've been together for 12 weeks. You know who I lost mine to.. What about you?"

"Honestly.. I really don't remember. I was like 16 and I went to a party got wasted then woke up the next day with a hideous blonde girl next to me. I think her name was Britney."


"Funny thing is is that she only looked about 14."

"Even more of a slut."

"Who was your first boyfriend?"

"His name was Tyler.. He was my first love.. I told him everything.. Even my past.. But one day I caught him screwing Paige in a freaking detention room. So.. We broke up.."

"Oh baby.. How long were you guys together?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Two years."

"You know what? Me and Carly went through shit growing up and the only reason we were ever together was because he was a family friends daughter. She actually used to be really sweet. Nothing like she is now. I'm not saying I still love her, which I don't, I'm just saying people change and most of the time it's because their being pressured. I was pressured to change. When I was your age I was partying and drinking and sleeping with random girls. Once I actually got a girl pregnant, I was willing to stay but she got an abortion. Was Tyler always a douche bag?"

"Sorta. He treated me like trash and never showed he loved me but I trusted him. And I feel so stupid for letting myself fall in love. That's the reason I am this. I'm a back talking swearing bitch-"

"Don't. Don't you ever call yourself that again. I swear if I catch you I'll throw a hissy fit. I don't want that word coming out of your mouth unless your talking about Paige or Carly. Okay?" I just shrugged.

"I want an answer Ada. I love you and I never want you to think you are such a word. I understand you don't get anything right now.. And why it had to be you. But really.. I regret nothing. I'm super happy about this baby and I'm ecstatic you let me touch you in places you've been raped in. I want to show you I love you." He dragged me up and started playing a track I was not familiar with.

"I sing you know.. I wrote this when I was 16. We can't dance to our first dance to the song that's ironically called First Dance." Step by step he led the moves. People all around us started looking and taking pictures. They were even commenting how cute he was being and how pregnant I looked. Great. But I toned it all out and focused on Justin who just adored my bump and loved staring at it. He loved touching it. He loved knowing there was a baby in there and it was all his. Baby Bieber was all Justin's and mine. Cody was going to love being a older brother.. He's constantly saying he's going to have a brother when he wants a sister. I'll see next month the gender. Justin is already counting the days.

"I love you.. So much."

"I love you to Justin."

Sweet little chapter of mine:). I really didn't have any ideas for this.. So. Hope you enjoyed this. OH! I HAVE A NEW STORY! Thanks to @missionhayniac for the cover I saw today! Thank you! I love it! (As always) and @tbh-lex (or Allyna in this story) for reading the bio and tellin en to put it up immediately. IT'S CALLED...


(I promise it's better than it sounds)

(Please read it)

Thank yewwwwwwwwww:)

~Alexis Bieberr~😘💋💋

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