Anjolie Belmar

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demigod wizards rp

Name: Anjolie (on-jah-lee) Belmar
Age: 15
Birthday: January 7

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Godly Parent: Poseidon

S/O: Dakota Hamilton

She has wavy, brown hair that is mid-length. Her eyes are a sea green color. Anjolie's face is sprinkled with freckles. She is about 5'3 and often has a warm smile. Her hair often smells like the ocean. Anjolie wears dark brown rimmed glasses that she's practically blind without them.

She is quiet and composed and always curled up with a book. Somehow she always has a warm smile cause she a fairly happy person. She only really opens up to close friends and in class. Her hand is constantly up in class because her seaweed brain is always filled with answers. She loves swimming and her bestie Squiddy.

Her mom, Allison, met Poseidon before she moved to England. Anjolie was born there and lived there until she was 10. In England, they lived near Brighton Beach. Anjolie and her mom often went there and Anjolie grew a love for the Ocean. When Anjolie turned 10 she and her mother moved to North Carolina. She found out she was a demigod after she was rescued by an older demigod named and was brought to camp. There she was claimed after stepping into the Poseidon cabin after being led there by Mrs. O'Leary.


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*she has green eyes and wears glasses

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*she has green eyes and wears glasses

Then on her 11th birthday she got her hogwarts letter. She didnt make a lot of friends cause she is loser xD.

My (Cassiopeia's) OCsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora