33 4 0

You lunge and grab the heavy branch, picking it up in both hands and holding it up over your shoulder like a bat. Wes laughs, taking a step away from his tree. You notice a beer bottle in his left hand, the brown glass winking in the fading light of the sun.

"Oh, now, Kendall, don't be like that."

"Get away from me!" you shout, edging back from him. The ditch inclines steeply behind you, and you're not sure you can make it up without looking, but you're loath to turn your back on the man with the knife.

"You were a lot friendlier earlier." He takes another step, sliding down into the ditch with his arms spread to balance himself. "It's nothin' personal. I just wouldn't like having unfinished business when I move on out of town."

"Step one foot closer and I'll knock your head off," you snarl, hoping you sound more threatening than you feel. Your eyes are glued to the knife in Wesley's right hand.

He spreads his arms with a cocky smile, lifting his beer and raising his brows. "Come on and get me, darlin'. I'll give you one free shot." He tips the beer back, taking a leisurely swig as you deliberate how to attack.

Then, suddenly, the beer bottle is flying toward your face. You flinch, raising your branch to fend it off, but you're not quite quick enough. The bottle glances off your cheekbone, stunning you with pain, and you stumble to the side.

Wesley's weight slams into you. You feel the impact of the hard ground rising up to meet you before you feel the knife in your stomach. You look up at him crouched above you, his loose hair falling over his brow, and he stares down at you with eyes that can't be human.

"Don't worry," he whispers. "It won't hurt long."

There's a sickening, wet sound as he wrenches the knife free of your gut. The pain is like nothing you've ever experienced. "Please," you gasp, struggling beneath him. You lift a fist, swiping at his face, and he simply closes his eye and takes the blow, as if your attempt to hurt him is a harmless nuisance.

The scent of beer mingles with the green smell of the high grass around you.

The knife plunges in again, and you groan with the pain and the horror.

The last thing you see is Wes's wicked smile.


Want to play again? Click the Back button on your browser to return to your previous decision, or head back to Chapter 1 to start from the beginning.

If you want to achieve all 24 endings and need a little help, check out the END NOTES chapter (mild spoilers) for a story map! 

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