Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"But this is where you come in."

Thirty years ago....

"Ivan! Come here! Quickly!" Ivan could hear his sister calling for him. He quickly stood up from his desk and hurried outside to her. He looked as his older and younger sister was laying down a hooded character, he couldn't see his face.

"Who is that?" Ivan questioned.

"We don't know. He collapsed outside and we brought him in." His older sister said. The younger one only stood there with her arms crossed and watching them. Ivan came over and looked toward the young man laying on the couch.

"Katyusha, why would you just bring him in?" Ivan questioned as he looked down at the boy, a dark but light blonde hair hid under that cloak, but it seemed like he was unconscious. "Toris!" He called. A young, long brown-haired boy came in, a smaller dark blonde following with him.

"Yes sir?" Toris questioned.

"Can you please get a cloth or two and some water?" He put his hand on the boy's forehead. "He's very warm."

"He was freezing cold when we carried him in." Katyusha said. "He's warm now?" Ivan titled his head a bit, confused on what to do next, and looked toward Toris and the other boy.

"Raivis, you get a blanket." Ivan ordered. The smaller boy nodded and the two left as Ivan stood up and away. "He was just on the ground?" Natalia nodded as well as Katyusha did. "He isn't... dead right?..." Katyusha gulped. Ivan looked back down and checked him.

"He's breathing."

"G-Good." Katyusha sighed in relief as Toris and Raivis returned with the objects Ivan needed. He wet the cloth with some of the water and placed it on the boy's head, then covered his body with the blanket. The boy's eyes twitched a bit but he didn't wake up. "What do we do?"

"Leave him until he wakes up." Ivan scratched the side of his head. "That's all we can do." Katyusha nodded and sat on the other couch across from the boy, Natalia sat too. "You two watch him, I'm going to go call the police."

"Phones are dead." Natalia said.


"They aren't working." She said again. Ivan sighed and left toward the kitchen to get the phone, picking it up and trying to get a call out but nothing really happened. Ivan rubbed his temples a bit and looked around, maybe a cord was lose or something. After all, all the way out here, it was hard to get any wires out there in the first place. Ivan walked back out into the living room where the boy was still sleeping. Natalia and Katyusha looked at him. "What do we do?"

"Just let him be..." Ivan sighed. "I just don't know right now."


"Thank you very much for your help!" The young man spoke to them. Ivan watched carefully as Katyusha smiled at him, Natalia stayed in her same emotionless face. Raivis, Toris, and another one, Eduard, stayed off to the side in case they were needed. "I appreciate the help very much. I'm at your service."

"Who are you?" Ivan quickly asked.

"You can call me Roma." He said. "That's what I go by anyway."

"Where did you come from?"

"Town. I going down the path when I got lost and this... dog attacked me. I ran and I found your house. I'm not a runner so when I got here I was exhausted and passed out." Roma said. "I'm a bit sick because of the rain too."

"Just stay under the blanket." Katyusha said. "It'll keep you warm for now."

"I'll see if we have any medicine for your cold." Ivan began to walk but Natalia stopped him.

HetaTale: The Monster's Heart (RusCan)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu