**Lemon** Teen Trunks

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(A/N: I apologize for the lack of updates.  Not only have I been busy, but I just have insane writers block.  I hope you all enjoy! :))

It was your senior year, and you were struggling hard in (your worst subject.)  Your parents had threatened to take away your phone until the end of senior year if you didn't get your grades up.  Usually you wouldn't care, but your crush had just started talking to you.  You knew your friend Mai had her eyes on him too, so you wanted to keep his attention.

You walked up to the front of the class to get your progress report.  Your teacher merely shook her head and handed you the neatly folded piece of paper.  You unfolded it and sighed, scanning through your 30s and 40s.  You only had three weeks to get your grades up.  You crumpled the piece of paper in your fist and walked to your locker.  You opened your locker and started gathering your books, only to be greeted with a hand on your shoulder.  You jumped and turned around, startled, only to see your crush, Trunks.  Your face immediately reddened as he chuckled.

"It's just me, Y/N."

You bit your lip and laughed along with him, trying to hide your embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

He smiled softly and rubbed your back.

"What's bothering you, Y/N?"

You sighed and decided to tell him, hoping he wouldn't think any less of you.  You pulled out the crumpled progress report and placed it in his hands.

"If I don't get my grades up, I lose my phone for the whole year."

He scanned the progress report and nodded, then looked up at you and smiled, his warm smile making the blush return to your face.

"I'm great at (your worst subject) Y/N!  Want me to tutor you?"

Your cheeks were burning red at this point.  Your crush was going to tutor you?  How awesome is that?

You smiled and nodded.

"Sure Trunks, I'd love that, if it's no trouble, I mean."

He chuckled.

"You? Trouble?  You're silly, I'd love to help you out."

He scribbled down an address and handed it to you.

"Meet me at my place around six."

You smiled and nodded, and then proceeded to your next class.  The last two classes went by extremely slow, and it was obvious that you weren't thinking about anything but your study date with Trunks.  Mai kept asking what was up with you, but you didn't dare tell her, as she would be extremely upset.

~Time Skip~

It was finally time to meet up with Trunks.  You got on your bike and peddled as fast as you could down the busy street.  You finally arrived at a nice, futuristic like home ten minutes later.  "Capsule Corporation" was written on the front.  You nervously walked up to the front door and knocked.  You were greeted by a short Saiyan with spiky black hair.  He looked older, but still rather attractive.

"Can I help you?"

He grumbled.  You bit your lip and looked down at the ground.

"Uh, yes s-sir.  I'm here for T-Trunks."

He nodded.

"Oh yeah, whatever.  Hes in his room, that way."

He pointed left to a staircase.  You thanked him and headed up the stairs. 

You came to the first door on the right and peered in, almost gasping at the sight.  Trunks was shirtless, his purple hair dripping wet from what you assumed a shower.  He was clothed only in boxers as well.  His gaze turned to yours and your cheeks reddened. 


You stammered.  He chuckled and threw on some shorts.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N!  Come in!"

He was very nonchalant about the situation, which surprised you.  You slowly walked in and sat down on his bed, throwing your backpack to the side.  He smiled softly and unzipped the backpack, taking out your books.

"Okay, what would you like to start with?"

As the tutoring session started, you couldn't help but get distracted by his exposed body.  He didn't seem to notice until the middle of the session.

"Hey, Y/N, are you listening?"

You stammered and once again blushed, looking down to see a bulge exposed in his shorts.

"S-sorry T-Trunks i-it's just..."

You were cut off by him throwing the book and pulling you close to him, his lips meeting yours.  It felt like fireworks were going off as you shockingly kissed back.  He rubbed up and down your body and then pulled away, smiling.

"I didn't just invite you here to tutor you, Y/N.  Truth is, I-well, I like you.  And i want to have you."

His hand slid to the hem of your shirt.

"Now, I think we have something to take care of, if that's alright with you."

You bit your lip and nodded, peering into his deep eyes, filled with lust and desire.

He continued to pull your shirt off and played with your breasts.  You moaned as he began to suck one of them.  He smirked as he kissed his way down your body, his fingers trailing down to the treasure.  he ripped off your shorts and underwear and inserted a finger, groaning at how tight you were. He worked his way to two, and then three.  By this time you were begging him to get on with it, gasping out his name.  He smirked.

"How bad do you want it, Y/N?"

"B-bad T-Trunks P-please..."

You begged.  He finally pulled his fingers out and got on top of you, fumbling around in his bedside drawer.  He pulled out a condom and put it on, then quickly entered you.  You moaned at his size.  He gave you a minute to adjust, then began to violently thrust into you.


You mumbled.

He obeyed.  He continued to thrust harder and harder, deeper and deeper until you were screaming his name.  He played with your breasts as you began to climax.

"T-Trunks I'm-"

You screamed as you finished.  He continued to keep thrusting, causing you to finish again.

He finally emptied his load and pulled out, panting.  He cleaned himself and then laid back down, pulling you into his arms.  About that time, his door opened.  You both gasped as Vegeta stood there for a second, in awe.  He then shrugged and left, with few words."

"Hhmph.  Hope you used protection, son.  And by the way, your mom's almost home."

You two quickly got dressed and sat back on the bed.  Trunks gave you a peck on the cheek and picked up your book.

"So, back to studying?"

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