1st Entry of Joseph Dunn Brother of Sgt. Edward Dunn

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  • Dedicated to Mrs. Puskas

      Well hello journal. My name is Joseph Dunn. While my home life is going on. Its different without Ed . Hes a Sergeant in the union army. He was under commands if General McClellan . Now hes under General  Grant.. We are not sure how he like his new general. 

     I got some opinions on this war that i need to express to you journal. I get that they need to keep the country together. That's good but why cant they just try to settle that in an argument. 

   Slavery man I hate slavery that is worth fighting for. Slavery is comparable to treating a person like you do to a piece of shit. They get raped shoot whipped . That is no way to treat a person. 

   Why does Ed have to fight though. I know he wants to support our country and what we belive for. but he enrolled the day after his 18th birthday. He shouldn't have done that. I think he should have waited a few weeks. Im so scared for him what if he gets shot and killed.

      Well i have to go now journal i have a load of chores to do. so this is bye journal.

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