1st Endtry of Lindsay Dogan Sgt Edward Dunn's Girlfriend

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        While hello journal my name is Lindsay Dogan. I'm cuurently dating Sgt. Edward Dunn. I'm scared out of my freaken life for him, what if one of those damn human flesh hungry rebs. I hate the idea of slaves.What do you think a slave should be owned. To be whiped starved, raped hung shot all for no reason than because of their skin tone. Seriously would you want to be a slave if you hade a pimple or a sim pe skin blemish. NO  I didnt think so. Edwards doing fine under orders of General Mecelan. He survived a few battles already. Like Sharpsburg, and Fredricksburg . The arte going to be fighting in manasas again tommorow.While I got to go do more work. Well its not really work its more volenteer work sowing uniforms for the soilders. 

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