Chapter 4

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Luckily today is Wednesday, which means no Computer class and no Mr. Tall Dark pain in my ass either. Stupid arrogant beautiful jerk! All night I thought about him, even had a dream about him! Not that I'd admit that to anyone.

"Star are you listening?" Yuki asks clearly annoyed with my lack of response.

"Ha, sorry, thinking" I say as we enter the cafeteria and sit at one of the giant tables with Yuki across from me.

"You're thinking about him aren't you? I feel bad for you being partnered up with him, that's not gonna be easy" Yuki utters shaking her head

I laugh "Oh Yuki, I'll get through it I'm sure, he's not that bad"

"He's worse, I've been going to school with him for 5 years and it doesn't get better" she preaches rolling her eyes at the mere thought of him

I laugh opening the sushi her and I had stopped for on the way to school and she does the same. We start to chat about this and that and are so engrossed in our conversation we don't notice the guys sitting next to us.

"Hey Star"

I look beside me and see Van, from Ms. Woods English class, smiling.

"Hey Van" I mutter pushing my hair behind my ear.  He smiles and moves closer

"Hey" he laughs and we start chatting and I find myself enjoying his company he's funny and always has a witty response, I laugh and look over and see Yuki laughing at whatever Lucas says. And I can't help but think, how cute is this little group?

"So umm this Friday is the founders day party and well I was wondering if you'd like to be my date" he asks nervously pushing his blonde hair out of his face showing a pair rather nice green eyes.

"I'd Lo" I squeak as I'm interrupted 

"She's busy" snaps that deep voice I've grown all to accustomed too, I turn to see Maddie just as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of my chair dragging me out of the cafeteria as the entire room stares. I instantly go red from embarrassment, and pull my hand free as we reach the end of the hallway.

I'm about to scream at him and ask what the fuck his problem is but as soon as I go to open my mouth his head snaps back, his eyes like daggers of ice and in a menacing but sexy tone he says "Shut up". Which snaps my mouth closed and my eyes down, but not for long as he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. Stupid jerk
"We have plans Friday for our project, or are you that stupid you'd forget so soon?" He scolds his eyes ablaze, with anger? Not sure, it doesn't seem like anger almost like he's jealous? Which is foolish

I lick my lips "No, I just figured I could go after we get some work done"
I stumble out nervously

"Don't assume or figure anything, you won't make it out so don't make plans, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays are me days remember that imp" he warns before tossing my chin from his grasp and walking away. 

Leaving me flushed, angry and confused

I stick my tongue out, fuming, I gather myself before going back to the cafeteria where I find Yuki sitting, alone, waiting for me.

"What the hell was that??" She questions her arms crossed as she stares me up and down.

"Calm down Mom, it was nothing, just typical school I'm a jerk stuff" I laugh.
She doesn't seem convinced but saved by the bell we head to English.

The rest of the day is uneventful and goes by rather quick, last bell rings and the classroom quickly empties, leaving me alone as I collect my stuff

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The rest of the day is uneventful and goes by rather quick, last bell rings and the classroom quickly empties, leaving me alone as I collect my stuff.

"Still here"

I jump in my seat and look up to see Van standing there smiling.

"Oh hey" I say almost in whisper getting up from my seat and walk over to him standing at the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask hoping to god Maddie didn't ruin my chances.

"Thought I'd come here and start where we left off before dickwad showed up" he teases, making me laugh. Looks like I'm safe. Ha! Except he still wins this round, stupid game.

"As much as I'd love to go with you, I have a project due and need to work with Maddie on it" I sigh, turning and walking towards the exit.

"Fair enough, maybe Sunday we could have a lunch date?" He asks following along side me, grabbing the door for us as we walk outside.

"Sunday lunch sounds great" I reply happily.

"Great it's a date" he beams taking my bag from me, such a gentlemen.

He walks me home and we talk about everything from school, to our favourite food, our home life and more. It felt great to be able to talk to a guy without being a nervous wreck.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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