The Journey Begins

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         "Screw this heat!" Cursed Ken as he walked through a field of short green grass on a hot and sunny day. "Goddamnit! Does it never rain!?" Complained Ken as he took another sip of water from his flask. Before Ken left the town the townspeople gave him 500 Mountain Coins, a flask of water, better clothes, and food. Ken used to rag like clothing which made him seem poor, but now he is wearing short blue jeans with a black jacket that was zipped all the way down revealing a black T-shirt that had "Whale Town" written in red on it. The Townspeople knew how hot it would get so a local magician used his magic to make the inside of the jacket colder, but obviously that wasn't good enough. "Damn it! I'm all out of food and water, and i'm thirsty and starving!" Complained Ken, but in the distance he could see what looked like a small village. Ken excitedly ran over to the village shouting "food! Food! Liquor! Liquor!". The village was way bigger than the last one, and it looked to be more prosperous economically. People were either wearing nice clothes, decent clothes, or rags. In the last town there seemed to be only one class of citizen, so everyone was in the same boat. But in this town there is the high, middle, and lower class. Ken was in complete awe as he moved through the village, instead of horses people were using small motorized vehicles, and their were strange animals everywhere. Suddenly Ken's stomach rumbled and he remembered that he need supplies. "We've got fried Kraken eggs here! Soaked in a nice sweet and sour HumbleBee sauce this dish is to die for!" Shouted one of the chefs from his outside stall. The food smelled and looked delicious, so of course Ken approached him. "Excuse me sir how much will this get me?" Asked Ken as he took out a bag of coins from his pocket. Each coin was bronze and had a mountain on one side and the number 5 on another side, so in total Ken had 500 coins. The chef examined the currency and answered "Sorry kid but I only take Fish Coins", Ken looked at the man with a puzzled face and asked "what the hell is a Fish Coin? How many types of coins are there?" The man looked even more confused. "How do you not know this?" He asked but then he looked at Ken's shirt. "Oh your from Whale Town well that makes sense since you guys are so poor. I hear Black Lotus has been sucking you guys dry lately. Anyways let me explain, Dragon Coins carry the most money. First of all each coin has the number 5 written on it to help lessen the amount of coins someone carries. Dragon Coins are literally created by gold and diamond so of course they'd be worth alot. Fish Coins is what us commoners use, 100,000 fish coins is worth one Dragon Coin so it's possible to convert coins. However Mountain Coins is just spare change something you use just in case your missing a few Fish Coins. 100 Mountain Coins is worth 1 Fish coin so right now you have 5 Fish Coins. I sell 3 Kraken eggs for 20 Fish Coins so even if you have 2,000 Mountain Coins I wouldn't accept them because I don't have the time nor the patience to be carrying around 400 Mountain Coins." Ken needed a moment to process all of this mathematical information. "Oh because each coin is worth 5 you divide 2,000 by 5 making 400" said Ken in delight. "I think I understand" Thought Ken as he rubbed his head trying to process all of the information. "So how much does water cost?" Asked Ken, "5 Fish Coins" Answered The Chef. "Please just this once accept my money it's only 100 coins plus you won't know when you'd need a couple of Mountain Coins" Bargained Ken. "Fine but i'm only doing this because your nice kid" answered the Chef as he took Ken's money and gave him a flask of water. Now Ken was flat broke with no money or food.

"I wonder if there are any quests I can take for money?" Thought Ken as he walked around the village drinking his water. Suddenly he felt a few drops of rain hit his forehead, "so it does rain" Thought Ken as the drops of rain fell quicker and harder. Suddenly the bright sun was gone and dark gray clouds filled the sky. In a blink of an eye a rainstorm appeared, but Ken didn't mind. He noticed a bright yellow paper sticking to the wall there was an image drawn in black ink. It looked to be a squid like humanoid, with it's bottom half being human and it's top half being that of a squid. On the top of the drawing it said "Bounty" and on the bottom it said "5,000 Fish Coins" and next to the amount of money were 4 little stars. "I'm no genius, but I think this is what you call a quest. But I wonder what these stars are for?" Thought Ken as he rubbed his chin. Ken noticed a tall, slim man next to him reading one of the wanted posters. He had long, wavy black hair and dark red eyes. "Excuse me sir can you explain what these stars mean?" Asked Ken as he handed the man the wanted poster, the man looked at the poster then looked at Ken's young, energetic eyes. "New at bounty hunting?" Asked the man with a firm deep voice. "Yeah and i'm just a little confused" answered Ken. "The stars go up to 20 the more stars the higher the difficulty. If it's a Bounty they want it dead, but if it's Wanted they want it alive. And any more information such as location and stuff is located on the back, if there is no information on the back then the thing your hunting knows how to cover its tracks" answered the man. Ken immediately looked at the back which read "This creature is a strong aquatic animal known as a Krage and usual hunts alone in the deep sea, but if they stray onto the surface they can be pests for nearby farmers. They usually hang around marshes north of here". As Ken read the Bounty the man further examined Ken and said "You shouldn't take that bounty I recommend levels 3 and lower". "I'll be good trust me I'm pretty strong" Answered Ken with a smile. "Krage's are more strong in the water so the rain puts you at a disadvantage" advised the man. "Thanks for the advice, but i'm still confident" replied Ken as he walked off. "What a foolish boy" mumbled the man before walking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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