Welcome To The New World

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"Sir! The bandits have returned!" Shouted a local man who suddenly stormed into the bar. The bartender was in the middle of cleaning one of his glass cups. "Seriously!? It's too soon" said the bartender full of fear. The whole bar began to murmur in fear and worry. "Not only that but they're asking for twice as much as usual!" Shouted the man as he fell to his feet feeling nothing but hopelessness. The bartender dropped his glass on the floor causing it to shatter. "I can barely afford the regular payment but now its been doubled!? I'm screwed they'll kill me for sure." "Hey! Enough of this crap! We've been getting bullied by these bastards for far too long! I say we grab our weapons from the armory and show them who's boss!" Shouted a random bystander in the bar. "Yeah if we fight back then at least there's a chance of gaining back our freedom!" Shouted someone else, and then the whole bar roared in excitement. Everyone was on board with fighting back against the bandits. "I'll fight too!" Shouted the man who had fell to his knees in front of the door before the uproar. "Fight what exactly?" Said a sinister voice from behind the entrance to the bar. The man slowly walked in and looked down on the man who knelt there still on his knees, "pathetic" mocked the bandit as he stepped on the man and continued to use him as a floor mat. "Hello everyone the names Chester and this here is Grunt", said the bandit as he pointed to a short chubby man behind him. Grunt's arms and legs were way smaller than his actual body, and his legs looked like they would give in at any second. He wore a black tuxedo with a red tie with black stripes, a black top hat, and black business shoes. He looked fancy but not as intimidating as Chester who had shark like teeth, a sinister smile, a nice slim and muscular body, and cold dead eyes that sent you chills. He also wore the same clothes as Grunt. The man under Chesters foot grunted in pain and agony which angered the people in the bar but Chester didn't care at all. "What's up with those eyes its almost like you people have grown a pair, except for my ladies of course" joked Chester. "The fee this time is doubled so i'm expecting you all to give me 50 Dragon Coins except for Mr. Bartender here since he owns a business he'll give me 25 Dragon Coins. Hey Grunt take the people's money I'll deal with the bartender." Ordered Chester as he slowly walked over to the bartender. Suddenly the bartender grabbed a double barrel shotgun from under his counter and pointed it to Chesters head. "I'm not giving you bastards any of my hard earned money!" Shouted the bartender in anger. Chester was shocked but in an amused way, he suddenly started to laugh hysterically. "So you actually think you can stop me with a simple peashooter! How stupid! You all should know our power by now! There is no escape if you truly want to leave this life so badly then point that gun to yourself and blow your head off! Said Chester with a sinister grin revealing all of his sharp jagged teeth. The bartenders hands were shaking in fear, "Shut up! You damn bandit!" Shouted the bartender before firing his gun. Chester suddenly vanished and reappeared right in front of the bartender, "what the-" stuttered the bartender, "die you damn fool!" Shouted Chester. Suddenly there was a striking pain on Chesters right cheek that sent him flying through the wall and back outside hitting the floor hard. The bar was silent in confusion, even Grunt didn't know what happened. "You can't kill him...not after how nice he's been to me" said a young man standing in front of the bartender. "You? You were the kid sitting in front of me demanding for liquor. I nearly forgot about you" said the bartender still confused of what just happened. "Thanks for the free milk old man but next time i'd prefer hard liquor" said the stranger. "No way your underaged!" Shouted the bartender. "Annoying laws like that exist even in this world huh? Well whatever by the way my name is Ken and I'm an adventure I'll kindly take care of these guys for you". Said Ken with a smile as he slowly and confidently walked over to the hole he made. Chester laid on his back on the green grass as the morning sun shined down on his face. He slowly moved his head and looked up to see Ken looking down at him. "This kid was able to hit me? How? Wait I did notice him sitting in front of the owner, but is it really possible for him to punch me like that even though I was seconds away from killing that guy? He would need to be fast and agile...and strong, this guy isn't like the others" Thought Chester as he slowly got up to his feet. Chester was taller than Ken so as soon as he got up he looked down at Ken as if he was a child. Ken wasn't intimidated at all he just looked up at Chester and smiled, "I knew you were nothing but talk" chuckled Ken. "You son of a bitch! Do you have any idea who your messing with! How dare you defy Black Lotus!" Shouted Chester in anger. "Never heard of you" said Ken with a smile, Chester was all out of patience and threw a quick jab at Ken's stomach. Ken suddenly moved his body to the side dodging Chesters punch he then grabbed Chesters arm and swung him all the way up to the air. "Woah that kid is strong!" Shouted one of the bystanders from the bar who was watching the fight. He wasn't the only one everyone in the town gathered around the two to watch the engagement. Ken held Chester up in the air with one arm and slammed him down onto the floor then swung him back up in the air and slammed him back down on the other side and repeated the process. "Damnit! I underestimated this kids ability!" Thought Chester as he was being swung around the air. Chester suddenly vanished from Ken's grip, "huh? He did that thing again?" Thought Ken as he looked around wondering where Chester went, Ken suddenly a stinging pain in his back which sent in fly forward onto the floor. "How'd you like that boy! My strength is ten times that of a normal person! I made sure my punch was strong enough to break your spine have fun not being able to walk for the rest of your life" laughed Chester as Ken got back up. "Damn that was dirty, I know you're a bandit and all but at least have some dignity" said Ken as he smacked the dust off his clothes. "What the hell! You're not human! How strong are you!" Shouted Chester in disbelief. "It's not that I'm super strong...it's just that your super weak" mocked Ken. Chester was pissed and charged towards Ken, "so you still want to fight" said Ken as the two exchanged devastating punches to both their torso and face. Even though ken was getting hit he wasn't receiving nearly as much pain as Chester who was bloody and bruised and finally sent hurtling down to the ground. Ken's fist was stained in Chester's blood as he looked down on him. Chester was breathing hard and could barely stand. "Ready!" Shouted Grunt from within the crowd. "What the hell I nearly forgot about that guy" thought Ken as he turned towards the crowd to see Grunt's mouth opened wide. In fact Grunt's mouth was opened a bit too wide it looked like he could gobble up an entire house. "That's not normal right?" Said Ken who was completely freaked out by Grunt's appearance. Chester began to laugh as he laid on the floor, "your screwed now! Grunt has the ability to devour Mana, and the more he charges up the more he eats and he's been like this since the beginning of our fight! Basically he'll devour everything leaving you powerless and in that moment I'll take your life you damn brat!" Shouted Chester. "What? I'm so confused well whatever if that fatty wants his ass kicked too then I'll just have to deal with him next" said Ken as he turned to look at Grunt. Grunt suddenly closed his mouth and Chester disappeared. "I won't fall for that again!" Shouted Ken as he turned around to see Chester reappear, he then brought his fist down into Chester's cheek sinking him down to the ground cracking the floor. "Ho-how? As soon as Grunt closed his mouth all of your magic should've been devoured" Stuttered Chester as he coughed blood. "Oh! That's what that Mana thing is, well of course it didn't work I have no magic." Answered Ken. "Wait so all that is his natural strength?" muttered someone in crowd. "Amazing! He's amazing!" Muttered someone else. "Oh by the way I figured out your ability. You can freeze time. At first I thought you were teleporting but if that was the case why didn't you teleport all the time so I thought you had some time limit, the first time you used it on me I realized your time limit was 5 minutes. But all you did was attack me from the back just like back then with the bartender you just traveled a couple of feet to dodge the bullets, but you could've just traveled further if you were teleporting. That's when I remembered noticing the broken glass on the floor shift a little, a subtle difference but one I could notice. Basically when time is frozen it only stays like that for less than a second allowing little movement which is why you just attack from behind your target. So your last attack was easy to predict." Boasted Ken as he looked down at the unconscious beaten Chester. "Aw man he didn't hear anything I said" whined Ken. "This isn't over! We were nothing but mere henchmen for Black Lotus once they hear of what has happened here they will surely send an entire army to burn down your village!" Shouted Grunt. "Then I'll just have to march down there and kick your leaders ass" said Ken confidently as he looked straight into Grunt's eyes. "You fool you will lose and die! You will all die!" Shouted Grunt as he ran over to Chester and carried him on his back before finally running off. "What a pathetic site he talked all big but in the end he just ran away with his tail tucked in between his legs" said Ken as he watched the two run away. Suddenly the whole crowd roared in joy chanting "hero" and "savior". Ken began to blush "aww its nothing what kind of guy would I be if I just watched someone be bullied" said Ken while rubbing the back of his head. "Well at least for now we don't have to worry about unfair taxes let's enjoy this day with a feast!" Shouted one of the townspeople. "I'll provide the drinks" said the bartender with a smile. "I'll be having some hard liquor" said Ken but he was once again denied. "By the way what guild are you from" asked the bartender. "That's right! A strong adventure must come from a huge and powerful guild" said one of the townspeople who was anxious for Ken's answer. Ken smiled and said "Well I'm the guild master of my guild...and my guild is called Burning Moon!" There was a moment of silence, "never heard of it" said the crowd all in unison. "How many people are even in your guild?" Asked the bartender. "Well I'm kind of the only one right now" said ken feeling a bit embarrassed. "Oh so you're new" chuckled someone from within the crowd. "Shut up okay! I only just got here!" Shouted Ken in embarrassment. "Well that's okay a strong young man like you is sure to make a large and powerful guild, but Black Lotus is one of largest bandit guilds there is I don't think you should handle them alone wait a while before fighting them" advised the bartender. "But if I wait too long then you'll all die and I can't let good people die, besides I'm sure I can handle them, so that feast better be tonight because tomorrow I'm off!" Shouted Ken enthusiastically. "Alright the feast will be tonight!" Shouted the townspeople.

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