Smile For Me

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Ein growled. 'They're ruining my plans! There has to be a way to get rid of them for a while.' He thought. He then smiled. He grabbed Aphmaus hand and dragged her over by the cliff edge.
"There's nowhere to run Ein, give up!" Tronix yelled.
"I don't know about that." He said, and pushed Aphmau closer to the edge.
"If you take one step closer to me, I'll send her tumbling down this mountain." Ein said.
"You wouldn't!" Garroth said. Ein glared at him. "Just watch me."
Aphmaus feet were now halfway off the edge.
"Aphmau! Get away from the edge!" Dottie yelled.
"Why? I know my sweet Ein would never hurt me." Aphmau said in a girly tone. "Shut up, and give me that crystal." Ein said, and pointed to Daniel.
"Daniel doesn't have any of your dirty crystals!" Tronix said, and Daniel looked down.
"Actually.." He said. Everyone looked at him. He pulled the snapped crystal from his pocket.
"I saw you drop them, and I thought.. I thought you accidentally dropped them, so.." Daniel started to tear up.
"Daniel, it's alright. We'll pull through this." Tronix said.
"Why do you need that crystal, Ein? Isn't one enough?" Tronix yelled.
"No, I need the other half of that crystal to contain Aphmau until she is completely mine. Now do it, or no one will have Aphmau at the end of the day!" Ein said, and pushed Aphmau back more, until she had one foot off the edge.
Then his ears started to emit white particles.
"Ein, you-" Tronix tried to tell Ein, but Ein interrupted him.
"Give me the crystal, right now!" He yelled.
His ears started to fade away.
"The potions effects are wearing off.." Aaron said, but Ein didn't hear him. The lack of potion effects made him lose his abilities.
"Hand it over, right now-"
Ein pushed Aphmau too far off, and he lost his balance. The potions effects were now completely gone, and he had lost his strength.
"Aphmau!" Everyone yelled.
Aaron's eyes turned ruby red, no, not anymore. They were now yellow, and his pupils turned into slits, like a snake.
Aaron ran, despite the potions effects still on him. They were useless now.
Aaron leaped over the edge of the cliff, and soared down the mountain and caught Aphmau, before the mountain started to curve.
Aaron hugged Aphmau as they tumbled down the steep hill. He hit rocks, trees, and was cut by branches and sharp rocks.
It was only pain until they reached the bottom.


Aphmau woke up in a white room, with machinery and a heart monitor.
'Why am I in a hospital?' She asked herself, tugging a wire that had a clamp on her finger.
"Aphmau! Oh, my sweet baby! Are you feeling alright?" My mom asked, and held Aphmau's free hand while brushing a lock of my hair off of her face.
"" Aphmau asked.
"Yes! What is it?" Silvanna asked.
"Mom.." Aphmau trailed off, and started to tear up. It turned into gross and heavy sobbing. Aphmau's mom hugged her close.

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