Original Piece: The Cold

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It was cold.

Colder than she'd ever accept to be all right in the confines under her blanket. The blanket was thick, warm, but right now she felt the absolute opposite.

Like she was left exposed in winter's air she shivered. Eventually it got to the point she had to get up, grab a heater or adjust the room temperature.

As soon as she threw off the blanket, it was as if air stilled around her. Her eyes looked around the room, brows knitted together as she tried finding the source of this feeling.

With a short sigh, she got out of bed, brown hair flowing behind her. Slipping her feet into her purple bunny slippers she stood to her feet and made her way out of the room.

It was cold here too- no- colder than being in her bed.

She wasn't going to lie how chilling it was. 'Jack?' She called out to her younger brother as a soft thump came from the room across hers.

'Jack?' She was rubbing her arms, a frown settled on her lips and she hesitated to open the door as another thump sounded.

'Yes sissy...?' Came a groggy voice, as if her brother had been screaming all night.

'... Jack, I'm coming in.'

Right before she could twist the knob, she jumped as a soft voice sounded before her.

'Sissy? Why are you awake too?' She twisted around to look at her little brother, who puffed his cheeks. 'Sissy?'

'Yes, Jack...?' Her eyes flickered to the door of his bedroom, confusion laced in her dark brown orbs.

'Don't go in my room, it's cold.'

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