Michael Myers x Reader: Reluctance (NSFW)

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《A/n: WARNING: mentions of rape, abuse, and kidnapping (not from Michael btw), described violence, and strong language.

Her breathing was ragged, eyes flickering everywhere, as she ran through the forest at night.

Her assailants were close at pursuing her.

The girl's body shook with the cold rain that fell over her in freezing drops.

Eyes filled of fear kept a cautious eye out for her hunters. Two of them, male, seemingly innocent on the outside but completely sinister within.

Her mind raced with only a few things, she needed better clothes (outside of the underwear and ripped shirt she had), and to escape.

She turned the corner of a road, noticing the familiar town up ahead. Her feet stung and her head pounded, lungs stung with the need of air but she kept running. Through the night and in the shadows.

She heard the chasing footsteps behind her fade, her mind going blank as she turned an alley and fell to the ground. Heaving for air, she pulled herself to the wall.

Where was she? Haddonfield, she knew that.

Did she escape? That was a tough one.

Where is Michael?

She blinked hard at that one, Michael Myers. How long has it been since she had seen him?

The (h/c) haired woman remembers one of her her kidnappers saying it was a month or so...

She choked up a sob, curling up into a ball, her forehead rested at her knees. Rain fell onto her back and head but it was nothing to her.

She cried, her tears mixing with the rain that fell onto her. Her quiet sobbing was interrupted when a hand grabbed her arm.

Eyes snapped open, and on instinct and memory she began to thrash. A wave of fear washed over her and her movements spoke "terrified". She tried to scream, but her voice hurt.

Her throat hurt.

Everything hurt.

That's when her eyes looked to the attacker, or not an attacker at all.

She didn't stop thrashing when her mind processed it was not one of her kidnapper's, instead the tall, built figure of Michael Myers.

She flinched, crying out now as she tried to rip her arm from his grasp. "Le-let me go...!" Her voice cracked.

An arm wrapped around her, and she was picked up. Slung over his shoulder while still thrashing.

She gave in after minutes, far to exhausted to even comprehend what was going on. Hanging limply on his shoulder as he walked.

The girl almost began to cry again, now feeling the stings and burns of her wounds. Crying at what had happened for the past month.

She had no tears left when she was brought inside the old Myers house, staying limp as a ragdoll when she was placed down on the couch.

Her tear's were wiped away with a large, warm hand.

As much of a comfort it may seem, she was not convinced of her safety.

At least Michael could protect her.


Michael's relationship with the (h/c) haired woman was certainly strange.

It depended more on aid and recovery, and in some eyes it might be friendship. Though Michael dismisses any thought of it.

He went upstairs, going to Judith's old room and grabbed the unused clothing. Dusting them off and bringing them downstairs along with a towel.

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