♥21♥ The preparation for Internship

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The ears on her head perked up and she jumped over the tower of neatly folded clothes to sit by his side. "Yes?" 

"Do you really have to move out?" 

"Aizawa-sensei and Principal Nezu said I have a family now. I feel great, Bakugou! I have a hero name, I have family name, and I now have a home! I couldn't have any of these things before...now I have them." Her tail wagged slowly because the memories of meeting everyone was so precious to her. "I'm happy, Bakugou. I'm so happy. If it's only a dream, I wish I can keep dreaming forever and ever." 

"Idiot." Bakugou rest a hand on her head. Usually people would be a little anxious about him because he will highly likely make an explosion. But not Yuuki, she's not afraid of him using his Quirk on her. "It's not a dream. It's very real." 

"Bakugou, Bakugou! Will you miss me? Huh? Huh?" 

"Why would I miss a smelly animal like you?" 

"Your Mom and Dad will miss me. When I told Mistuki-san I have a family, she hugged me tightly! I nearly died!" 

"You nearly died?" 

"Her boobies nearly smothered me!" 

"I-idiot! Shut up!" 

"Hehe!" Yuuki then knocked Bakugou to the floor. Because he was not prepared for her to do that, he was knocked down with her on top of him and straddled him with her legs on either side of him. 

"What the fuck, you ugly beast-" He couldn't say anything because Yuuki leaned down and she licked his lips. "Y-you..." 

Yuuki looked at him with her usual and happy smile. "Now that I think about it, the first thing I ever received from this world is my name. Without you, the me here wouldn't exist right now. You're my butterfly effect's starting point, Bakugou." 

"Yuuki-san, what are you reading?" Midoriya found Yuuki in a public library. He thought it was a little strange for her to be here since Iida said she was smart but lazy when it came to studying. 

"Oh, Deku! Come here, come here!" 

Midoriya sat with her at a table and he looked at the book she was reading. There was a picture of a butterfly on it and the title read 'Butterfly Effect.' 

"The phenomenon where the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state." 

"I did not understand what you just said." Yuuki's ears drooped because she felt dumb before him. 

"Sorry! Sorry! That was too much for anyone..." Midoriya coughed once. "It means a very small thing can make a huge impact in the future." 

"Oh. How do we know if a small thing is making a difference right now?" 

Midoriya smiled and he put an All Might heroic record book down. "We don't. We can never know how our actions right now will impact the future, be it a good one or a bad one. But I do know one thing, Yuuki-san." His smile looked so prideful in front of Yuuki. She thought it was a good look on him. "No actions will ever be wasted. I used to think the things I did can never cause a butterfly effect for myself, but I am here training to be a Pro Hero all because I met All Might and ran out to save Kacchan despite knowing I couldn't do a thing for him." 

Yuuki smiled and she looked at the book, "If All Might is your butterfly effect...then Bakugou is my butterfly effect from the very beginning! Not just him, Deku too, Iida too, everyone is my butterfly effect!" 

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