Chapter 1: Instagram

Start from the beginning

After the episode was over I had nothing to do and just went outside to take a walk. I pulled out my phone and put earphones on playing the newest album by Blackpink. I walked to a forest, I love to walk in the nature... it just relaxes me so much.

While I kept walking I was imagining scenarios about what could happen if I win at the giveaway. Most of them had to do with Jennie kissing me or giving me her number but I just couldn't stop myself from imagining. I just felt so happy everytime I thought about her.

I realized how it started to get darker and turned around to get back home. On the way back I heard some screams. It sounded like somebody had an argument with his girlfriend, I just wanted to ignore it but after I heard the girl painfully screaming I ran to where the noise came from.

I saw a tall guy punching a girl. I instantly ran to them and pushed the guy away.

„Yo, what the hell do you think you are doing here?" I asked him with a cold expression.

„THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! GO AWAY OR I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP TOO!" He screamed at me and I just smiled.

My smile made him even more aggressive. He stormed into my direction to tackle me but I just made a step to the left and he ran past me. While he was turning around I jumped into the air and spun one time when finally kicking him into his face.

He just fell onto the ground, groaning because of the impact.

„Stop messing with people you don't even know. I may look like I don't know how to fight but never underestimate somebody because of their looks." I told him while looking down to him.

I could just hear him whining a little bit because of the pain and smiled. I turned around to the girl who was staring at me with widely opened eyes.

„U-Uhm t-thank you." She said with a cute voice.

„No worries, everybody would have done this. Stay safe." I said and waved while starting to walk again but I got stopped by her grabbing my arm.

„I-I know this is a lot to ask for but could I sleep over at your place? I normally live with that guy who punched me but I can't stay there anymore." She asked shyly.

I just nodded and smiled to her. She smiled back and followed me on my way home.

„So what's your name?" She asked me.

„I'm Y/N, yours?"

„I'm Mina! Nice to meet you." She said and smiled.

Mina? Is she Korean? Now when I look at her more precisely. She actually looks like she's from Korea... she doesn't look like an American.

„Are you from here?" I asked her.

„No, I'm from Korea but I got here to study abroad."

„Ah, well... this is my home. Just behave the same like you would when you are at your home." I said opening the door and going through it.

She followed me inside and closed the door behind her.

„I'll be right back, I'm going to take a shower. You can watch TV if you want. Feel comfortable." I told her and got into the bathroom.

After some minutes I finished showering and got outside the bathroom shirtless and went into the living room.

„Wow" Mina said looking at my abs.

„Oh my god, I totally forgot that you are here! I'm so sorry!" I said and ran back into my room.

„No worries, I don't mind." She said teasing me.

I got back into the living room and sat next to her on the couch. I put my legs onto the table and just turned on the TV again. The streaming website was still opened from before when I watched the running man episode.

„Oh you watch running man? It's my favorite show!" She said looking to me.

„Actually I don't watch that show often, I'm a Blackpink fanboy and watched that episode because two of the members where in that episode." I answered and smiled.

She just made an o-face and nodded.

„I'm really tired, I think I will go to sleep. If you want you can sleep on my bed and I will sleep on the couch." I told her and smiled to her but she refused.

„No it's okay! I will sleep on the couch. You literally saved me today and let me sleep here."

I just nodded and brought her a pillow and a blanket.

„Good night Mina!"

„Good night Y/N!"

I just fell into my bed and instantly fell asleep.

What a weird day.

A day with Jennie Kim | Jennie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now