“That must have been interesting.”

“Not really, it was more annoying than anything,” Rome replied, looking around for her friends. “Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back.” She left the table before Josh had a chance to respond.

She made her was the the women's bathroom, but couldn't find Melissa or Lisa. With a sigh of annoyance she sat down in one of the toilet stalls and locked the door.

Why am I acting like such a child? She thought angrily. He's seems like a nice guy and he's pretty cute. He's interested in me and he has nice brown eyes, but...but...

They're not the deep blue eyes you wish were looking at you.

The thought startled her. Was she really hoping that he would look at her in that way? That he would be interested?

* * *

Three hours later Melissa and Lisa were both extremely drunk, Robert was still trying to pick up the girl at the bar and Josh, who seemed to have given up on Rome for the night, was nowhere to be seen. Rome sat in the corner alone, wishing she had never agreed to come out at all.

The room was getting crowded, she could feel people watching her and it made her extremely nervous. We're not far from home, she thought as a man bumped into her on purpose, spilling a little of his drink on her jeans. She moved away from him as he smiled at her. Maybe I can just leave.

She looked frantically around the room for Josh, who was meant to be the designated driver. Unable to find him she sighed. I'll just tell Melissa I'm leaving, then I can walk home, she thought. Even walking in the dark would be better than staying here.

Rome quickly made her way over to her intoxicated friends. “I'm going home,” she yelled, trying to be heard over the noise. Melissa just smiled and nodded, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto Lisa, who started laughing hysterically.

The red-head just rolled her eyes and pushed her way to the door and out into the street. Outside it was really dark, the street lights not doing much to illuminate the surrounding area. The pub door closed behind her, blocking out the noise within and leaving her in silence. Rome's anxiety doubled as she wondered if this had been such a good idea.

* * *

“We're done here, Lord Ly,” Damon said as he walked back to his car. Tristan has sent both Ly and Damon out to pick up information about some of the more prominent political candidates running in the next human federal election and Ly couldn't help but feel this was his brothers way of keeping an eye on him. Lately Ly had been spending more time than usual away from the family estate and Tristan was getting suspicions.

“Great,” Ly replied dully. “You go back to the house and let Tristan know everything went well. I'm going to hang out for a bit.” There were a few vampire clubs in the area that Ly hadn't visited in a while and he felt like he could do with a large amount of alcohol.

Damon looked uneasy. “Well, I don't know if you should do that Lord Ly,” he said. “Lord Tristan wanted me to...”

“Did he order you to bring me back with you?” Ly cut the other vampire off sharply, not even trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

“Well no, but he did say...”

“Then we have no issue,” Ly spat. “Go home Damon, that's an order.”

“Yes sir,” Damon said with a sigh. He climbed into his car and, with one final concerned look at Ly, drove off down the street.

Ly walked back to his own car but didn't get in. Instead he locked it and began walking. He doubted any of the pubs or clubs in this area would be much fun, but one was pretty much as good at the other when all you wanted to do was get drunk. Too bad vampires couldn't actually get drunk.

Fear and BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora