Chapter 11

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Lots of people walk into the center of the stage in a line. They are all wearing the uniform that Miranda gave me, and holding weapons.

Jennifer starts to speak, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to The Merge. Let me explain to you how things are going to happen, Ok... so each of our students will show the judges if they belong with the raiders, if they don't, well you better say your goodbyes to that person. Anyway..... lets begin."

A man walks up to a target with knives in his hands. He takes a moment, then sends the knife flying into the middle of the target faster than I have ever seen before. The crowd stays completely quiet. Then, he takes another knife and throws it so fast it made me jump. He throws his last knife and the judges write down a couple of notes on a notebook as the man stands back in line waiting for everyone else to go to get his scores back.

A woman gets out of line this time and stands in the middle of the stage with a gun in her hand. She aims it at the target and fires three times. Then goes back to stand in line. All of the bullets hit the center!! A younger looking man walks out and another man follows they stand in the middle and start hand to hand combat. A jab here a punch there, and before I knew it the younger man was on the ground clutching his bleeding nose and what looked like a broken leg. Wow that's harsh! I think to myself as they force the younger boy to stand up and walk back in line with a broken leg!!

After everyone was done with their event, the judges called out the men and woman who got top five.

"James Luther."

"Patrick Mueller."

"Clare Haste."

"Ben Wells,"

"Jessica Jackson."

A family next to me started bawling in tears. I guess the top five finishers become a Raider, and whoever didn't finish top five........leaves everything behind.

At that, I break out into thought, not even realizing everyone getting up to leave or Miranda tugging my arm to get my attention. How the heck am I supposed to make the top five in my group??


A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to let you know (if you didn't already) that I will be updating every Wednesday and Friday night!!!! I am sorry if I don't update this upcoming week because I am going on vacation and yeah:)!!!!!!! So thank you guys so much for liking and commenting please leave suggestions because they really help!!!! Thanks so much!!!!! Bye :)

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