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Flynn - Male Corellian Human

Itug - Female Mirialan    

Kevin - Male Mandalorian Human

Kanoor'Lea'Kush (Lee) - Female Chiss

 Taco - BX series infiltration droid  

A galaxy-wide conflict between Rebellion and Empire rages on. Many find themselves stuck between the two, while others avoid them at all costs. A crew of novice smugglers struggle to find their rightful place among the stars.

The Rodian approaches a YT-1200. A male human, whom the Rodian assumes is the captain stands outside, watching the many travelers on the dock of Corellia.

"Is this yours?" the Rodian asks, examining the medium freighter. It seems to be in fair working condition.

"Yes, it is," the captain says. "We're about to head out, though."

"Where would it be that you're going?"

"Nubia is the plan," the captain says. "We're planet hoping until we find a well enough paying job."

"Do you transport people?" the rodian asks. The captain looks him up and down.

"We could fit one more. Do you have a destination in mind?"

"Denon, actually," the rodian tells him. "I'd be willing to pay travel and landing expenses for the planet."

"Very tempting," the captain says. "It isn't the destination we had in mind. It would take three days, too. Ah, here's my crew, let me check with them." The captain steps away to a small but diverse group of individuals.

"Captain Flynn," a female Mirialan with a giant slugthrower rifle slung on her back, over half the length of the girl herself.

"Itug," he greets back. "We have a potential job. He'll pay traveling and landing expenses if we take him to Denon."

"That's a better place than here. And better opportunities than Nubia," a female Chiss in mostly black says. The smudges of oil on her outfit only noticeable on the red edging of her jacket.

"Very true, Lee," the captain agrees.

"That one there?" the BX droid in the group asks, pointing in the least subtle way possible back to the rodian.

"Yes, Taco, that one, there," Captain Flynn agrees, pushing the droid's arm down.

"How much is he paying?" Itug asks.

"Travel and landing expenses," Captain Flynn answers.

"Nothing more?" Itug demands. Captain Flynn shrugs. Itug straightens her shoulders and marches over to the rodian.

"Denon's got more job opportunities," Lee says. "It's a good idea. I say take it."

"Vlaarg probably has at least one connection there, too," Captain Flynn says. "So we could find a decent paying job easy enough. The only problem is, Denon's an Imperial planet. Taco would either have to be disguised or stay on the ship."

"Fine by me," Lee says. "I'm taking this stuff in now," she adds, hoisting the box of rations higher up and heading into the airlock of the ship.

"You know you need me, sweet cheeks," Taco calls after her.

"Hey, Taco," Captain Flynn says, catching Taco before he can head into the ship with his own supplies. "Where's Kevin at?"

"Drunk, probably. You know how wild he gets planetside. The cantinas? You know."

"Right. Just, go put the stuff in the ship and go find him, would you?" Captain Flynn asks.

"Seems interesting enough," Taco says, heading into the ship as Captain Flynn goes to talk to the rodian and Itug.

"I'll go ahead and grab your bags then," Itug says with a bright smile. "Follow me and I'll show you to your room."

"Glad I was part of that discussion," Captain Flynn sighs and heads into the ship after them.

Captain Flynn is in the cockpit, recalculating the astrogation with Denon as their destination. The program's almost done when Taco comes in, half supporting a Mandalorian. "Found him," Taco says before unceremoniously letting the man drop. He catches himself on the doorframe and Taco leaves the room.

"There you are, Kevin," Captain Flynn says. "Glad you could join us. I'd advise having a seat. We're about to take off."

"Aye aye," Kevin says, walking himself along the walls of the cockpit to the copilot chair as Captain Flynn turns on the shipwide comm system.

"Welcome everyone back to Centurion. Grab a chair and fasten your seatbelts because we're about to take off and exit through the atmosphere." Captain Flynn shuts the airlock and gets the ship off the ground and pulling up the landing gear as the ship raises higher into the atmosphere of the planet. "We've got a three day trip to Denon ahead of us, so settle in and enjoy the ride."

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