Since day one Dylan always made sure that Thomas knew his spot. He never showed any signs of romantic interest to the boy. Thomas was sure that Dylan didn't like Thomas like that. The American was for sure straight. All of his previous relationships were women, which he loved deeply and he never showed Thomas any signs of being gay or bisexual. Dylan never looked out for buys, never checked them out or talked about how good they looked. At least not with Thomas. But Thomas was sure that if Dylan was part of the LGBT+ community he would have said it.

"Thomas...?" a voice cracked up behind Thomas, the Brit could tell that it was his older friend, who was unsure if he could speak without being killed, "I'm very sorry."

"No. No don't worry Tom. Everything is fine." The blonde turned around forcing a smile at his friend, "I should not have screamed that's all."

The younger actor was starring at the other with regret. He never wanted to break this wonderful friendship. He knew that it was one of the most important relationships Thomas ever had and he was sorry for breaking such an important thing to his friend. The young boy screwed up immensely and wanted to fix it, but he didn't know how.

"Really, don't worry. I'll see what I can do. It's not your fault. I should not have freaked. I know you didn't mean to disrespect me or anything like that." Thomas was not letting go of a genuine smile, "We good."

Tom nodded, making sure he wouldn't screw stuff up again. The blonde sat down that the table that Dylan and him were sitting right before the other Brit came in. He borrowed his face in his hands for some time.

"I'm really sorry tho. How can I help you fixing this?" Tom spoke crime behind.

"I can do this on my own. It were my words, I hurt him not you."

"I do genuinely think that Dylan may see you differently than you think Thomas..." Tom whispered, afraid to mess stuff up again and having to go trough the angry side of his old friend again.

"I just... we just need time." Thomas said.

Tom nodded, before laying his hand on his friends shoulder for some seconds and leaving the building with a small "I'm sorry."

Thomas left the café some time after both of his friends left aswell, walking towards his car just to find the seats empty. He lowkey had hope that his friend would be waiting there for him, expecting an explanation and then they'd both laugh and be the closest friends again. But it wasn't the case and that hurt Thomas.

His heart was aching, almost as if someone was making a hole in it, forcing Thomas to feel the guilt even more than he already did. The Brit got inside the car, not able to start the engine. The thoughts flew trough his head, making him think about how he could fix this and what his American friend wanted from him.

Thomas took out his phone just to find a bunch of notifications he hadn't opened. Most of them were retweets and several messages. The blonde unlocked his phone, getting a new notification from Twitter.

Dylan O'Brien tweeted:
Everything is fine. I do not know how this game into social media this fast because it literally happened like 20 minutes ago but don't worry. I still love Thomas like I did before this little misunderstanding.

Thomas opened up the link that was with the tweet, making his eyes open up widely for a second.

Dylan O'Brien and Thomas Brodie-Sangster fight in a public café
Both boys were spotted today in London enjoying their last moments together. Later on when the couple of friends was at a Starbucks both of them had a small disagreement, Thomas almost screaming at Tom Holland, the newest Spider-Man and ex co-star of the Maze Runner actor, that he never liked Dylan. His American friend left the coffee shop almost immediately after that just with the words "We could be much more". Not giving any further details about what he truly meant with that.

Thomas let his phone fall into the seat next to his, making him travel with his hands trough his hair. He groaned out loudly. He screwed up badly.

Dylan said they are still friends in his tweet, but are they really? It wasn't that Thomas doubted that Dylan still enjoyed Thomas because the blonde knew he did. But he wasn't sure about the fact that Dylan could forgive him. That everything could be just like it was the whole time. He wasn't sure that he could just pretend as if nothing happened.

His phone buzzed in the seat next to him, making him take it again.

Dylan O'Brien retweeted:
@tomholland1996 Dylan and Thomas had a fight yes, but I need you all to know that both of them have nothing to do with it. Both boys never intended to "fight" in that café. They are one of the best friendships I ever faced in my whole life and I beg you guys to give both of them some space. Thomas enjoys Dylan's friendship a lot and all of this is just a misunderstanding.

Thomas smiled at Tom's tweet, wanting to thank him about this little action of trying to fix stuff. He was a good guy Thomas was sure about that. They used to be extremely close on set, spending every second possible together.

Thomas finger traveled to the retweet button aswell, copying Dylan's actions and retweeting the tweet too. He knew that people would come at him for an explanation of why he said that to Dylan but he wasn't in the mood to write anything himself just yet. He needed time to think about how and when he'd do it. He wanted to do it right. With the right words. He needed Dylan in his life. More than he may realise.

The Brit smiled as he turned his phone off just to remember about some random moments he had with his American friend. Both of them were so insanely close it made Thomas happy. The blond sat in his car thinking about random moments for hours before pulling off and driving home.

The memory about Thomas running from after a scene to meet up with Dylan so they could leave together and spend the night together crosses Thomas mind. He remember as if it was yesterday the night both boys stayed up all night talking on the last day on set. They just sat in the nature, talking all night as if there was no tomorrow. And the best of it was that it never got boring. Both guys always had something to talk about and something to laugh off. The times with Dylan made Thomas happy. Almost as if Dylan was his escape from everything that made him unhappy. As if Dylan was so close to him that Thomas could spend his whole life with him. Almost as if Dylan was his actual family. Someone had got to know, got closer to and was struggling about marrying or not.

Thomas was definitely weak for his friend.
Almost as if he was in love.

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