12. Old friend

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"It's not fair I could have won" Dylan said, putting his hands into his jean pockets.

"Well but you did not win so get over it." Thomas said, taking the two coffee cups into his hands and walking over to a table. He sat down, taking the plastic cover of his cup and throwing some sugar inside, mixing it together with a wood stick afterwards.

Dylan took his own coffee cup, rotating the plastic cover on his own axis before speaking: "You know, I'm kinda glad you won tho. It makes me happy to see you happy."

Thomas smiled at that remark, not being sure what to answer to his well loved friend. He never really had anyone to give him such compliments. Since he was always kind of a loner, he had nobody he'd see on a daily basis and that would give him compliments or deep talks. So it was a new feeling for the Brit, nearly as if he'd have found a part of him he had never known existed before. He felt his heart literally go warm, being happy.

The moment of silence between Dylan's compliment and Thomas yet to come answer became really big and it started worrying Thomas. He wanted to say something but he just didn't know what. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to thank his friend, tease him or give him a compliment at his turn. Dylan looked at him with a light, comforting smile before taking a gulp of his coffee.

"It's totally fine no to say anything Thomas." Dylan laughed lightly after swallowing his coffee. Thomas looked at his friend, who still had a smile on his face and crossed his arms on the table, "But it doesn't seem fine."

Dylan smiled brighter now, finding the way his friend was worrying adorable. The American meant the compliment he said, he loved to see his friend happy and that's what he loved about this specific moment. Even though Thomas was unsure about what to do or say, Dylan knew that he made him happy with the compliment he gave him and that was everything the younger boy needed.

"I... I want to see you happy aswell Dylan." Thomas said, unsure if he had really chosen the right words. His gaze sank, looking at his coffee cup. The brown haired boy in front of him started smiling brightly, glad about the fact that Thomas did search a heartwarming sentence to tell his friend.

Thomas looked up again, looking at the big smile Dylan was giving him as a thank you to his little sentence. He smiled lightly aswell, but bringing his face down really quick. He had never really said anything like that to anyone who wasn't family. At least not this randomly and private. In interviews he sure would talk about how much he loved the cast and working with them but this was different for Thomas. No cameras. No press. No must say. It was just him, letting out what he truly felt for the friend in front of him and Dylan knew that this was a huge thing for Thomas. In all the 4 years of working with the blonde he had never seen him tell anyone something like an "I love you" or something alike. The American knew that Thomas wouldn't just speak those words if he did mean them, and Dylan was also glad that Thomas told them to him and nobody else.

"You are incredible when you're unsure about yourself.", Dylan spoke with the same little smile he had at the beginning, "It's kind of funny. But a good funny, like a sweet funny."

Thomas lifted his head again, starring at the eyes of his long time friend, "W-what?"

"It's adorable." Thomas didn't answer to that, what made Dylan speak again after several seconds, "But like... a puppy adorable. You know like when u see a little puppy and go soft and all that?"

"I don't really like dogs." Thomas mumbled between his teeth.

"Kitties then. Like a little kitty."

Thomas had perfectly understood what Dylan meant with the puppies even if the Brit himself couldn't relate. But he knew exactly what the other wanted. It left him quite speechless, to hear that a boy was telling him that he's cute. But in a good speechless way. It wasn't like it bothered Thomas. It actually made him happy and he knew that anytime he could smile again or tonight before going to bed think of it again and smile into the ceiling. The words Dylan was letting out since the moment their entered this coffee shop would spin in Thomas head for several days and he knew that. The Brit knew that these sentences may drive him crazy one day, he knew that this sentences could bring back the doubts he used to have towards the relationship with Dylan.

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