05. A night to remember

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Dylan started his engine. He made it himself comfortable in his seat and started driving down the street. He knew where Kaya would go and he also knew that she didn't like to take a taxi so she'd walk home. They also made sure that the restaurant wasn't too far from her house so that she would come because if it would be far, Kaya would never agree to the idea.

Dylan drove down the street with a smile on his face. He was sure that today wouldn't get ruined by nothing and nobody and he was sure that Kaya would come with him at the end because it was always like that. Dylan get's what Dylan wants, sometimes with the most stupid plans ever, but he get's what he wants.

It didn't take the driver long to recognise Kaya walking down the streets. She was holding her coat close so that the cold night temperatures wouldn't freeze her to death. Dylan started driving slower, letting the car window scroll down.

"Can I help you out Mme?" Dylan smiled, pulling his head out so that he could see Kaya correctly. She smiled when she recognised Dylan's face and took a step closer to the car. "That was sooner than I expected to be honest."

"My bad." Dylan chuckled, "Come on in."

"Forget it." Kaya shook her head, "I know how this ends O'Brien." She started walking again with a little smile on her lips.

"Come on Kaya, you can't leave me hanging."
"Watch me."

Dylan opened the car door, getting out of it the fastest he could. He wanted to make tonight memorable and he knew that he needed Kaya for that. Not like the night wouldn't be great without her but it would be better with her. She always came up with stupid things to do, agreed with Dylan's stupid suggestions and actually made the nights more enjoyable. It was just great to have some female impact.

"Kaya. You don't even know what I want to do with you!" Dylan said grabbing Kaya's arms and turning her to him so that she would face him. She smiled innocently at Dylan's reproach.

"Dylan as much as I love you, I have a family." she said. Dylan looked at her without any face expression. He had to find something fast so that Kaya would enter the car and drive with him.

"Well technically... we are your family too so you have to take care of us too." Dylan said with a little smile full of hope popping up on his face. Kaya chuckled, shaking her head slightly and looking at the ground. "I gotta go home Dylan."

Dylan sank his lips, looking at Kaya with a sad face. "It's only once Kaya. Come on. It's the last time we have the chance to do this."

Dylan tried to smile again, pulling on Kaya's elbow. He truly wanted her to agree to the idea and just drive to his place. They'd spend a lovely time together, do some stupid stuff and just make sure everyone is okay. Dylan wanted that, he missed that.

"Don't give me that look O'Brien." Kaya tried to look away, not wanting to cross the saddest eyes she had ever seen. Dylan had very pretty eyes that could easily get... well lost and sad. That was also probably one of his biggest talents. He went from a very happy person, full of joy and love to someone that lives in pain, that doesn't know what it's like to be loved and to have a good time with his friends.

"Okay. I'll go. But, this is the last time, ever!" Dylan jumped up at these words, leaving a light kiss on Kaya's cheek. He took her hand and pushed her towards the car, wanting her to get in the fastest she could. And she did so, with a smile on her face, happy about the fact that she made her friend the happiest.

Dylan jumped in, starting the car and driving off right after. He didn't want to lose any precious minute, even second, of the wonderful time he would spend with his three cast mates. He was happy, he felt like the world was just perfect.

UnwantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora