Coming home

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Hermione was walking down the street she was raisedm on. She was going to see her parents after being at The Burrow for a week. The order was reforming and they were moving to a new headquarters at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. She was looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting the other Order members. After walking for almost another minute Hermione came to the door and opened it. Immediately something felt off. Usually, the door would be locked. Her father would've also come to the door to greet her with a hug. "Mum, dad? Are you home?" there was no reply. Hermione stepped into the living room. When she looked around for any sign of them she noticed the pictures. Her eyes went wide. She was gone from them. It was like she'd been photoshopped out of them. She briskly walked upstairs to her parent's bedroom. They weren't there either. She was about to go look in the other rooms downstairs when her bedroom caught the corner of her eye. That's when her jaw dropped. Her bedroom was no longer a bedroom. It was now an office. Her bed and dresser were gone. In their place were a desk and a lamp. Hermione was confused and honestly a bit scared. What happened? Had the deatheaters kidnapped them. No, they wouldn't have done that. They would've tortured them for information or worse killed them. Her anxiety got the better of her and a tear rolled down her cheek. An owl chirped and she looked out the window. She used her sleeve to wipe her tear and the owl flew into the window. Hermione recognized him as Errol, the Weasley's owl, and let him inside. She took a letter from his beak he arrived with and sat down at the desk chair to read it.

(A/N: letters will be underlined.)

Dear Hermione,
We have news to give you about the situation dealing with your parent's disappearance. We know that your confused dear and we want you to be with friends when you receive it. All of us love you very much and we want to help you through this. We already left The Burrow so send us a letter saying if you want to take the Knight Bus to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place or have someone come to apparate you here. You need to burn this letter after reading it so nobody finds out the location of headquarters.
               Molly Weasley

Hermione grabbed a lighter she had in her bag for emergencies and lit the letter on fire. After it was done burning she grabbed some parchment and began writing her response.

Thank you for the letter. I was beginning to become extremely worried. I hope everyone can explain what's going on. I'll be traveling by means of the Knight Bus. Apparition wouldn't be good on my stomach right now as I'm feeling sick from nerves.
             Hermione Granger.

She folded up the parchment and handed it to Errol. The owl flew out of the window with a rough start and disappeared from view. Hermione made her way downstairs and to the door. She couldn't help being nervous. Her parents were only muggles. It was known to Hermione that they could not protect themselves. Hermione had thought about that before she went to The Burrow. She stood in place for a minute making sure she had her bag. With her wand in her hand, she left the door and locked it behind her. She went down to the end of the driveway. After signaling with her wand hand the Knight Bus was called. Her hair was blowing from the sudden breeze and then it arrived. In the almost blinding light, the door of the bus opened. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand and step on board. We'll be able to take you to any destination of your choice. I'm your conductor Stan Shunpike." the man before her had to be only a couple years older than her. He had a few pimples and big ears. Hermione gave him the best polite smile she could at the moment. "Thank you Mr.Shunpike. Can you take me to Islington, London?" the man rolled his eyes. "I've just told ya I can take you to any destination!". Hermione was taken aback by this. "Well sorry, Sir! I don't really need you to be talking back to me tonight." Stan frowned. "It'll be fifteen sickles then," he said. Hermione fished the money out of her coin purse and shoves it in his hand. "thank you." he stepped aside to let her on. She sat down bracing herself for the experience she'd read about in a book called 'England's Wizarding Transportation'. A second more and they were off. Racing down the streets of London. After roughly a minute they were there. She thanked Stan and stepped off the bus.

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(A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Climate Change". I'll have another update out by tomorrow. Have a nice night! Or should I say morning as its 2:25 am as I'm writing this? Well anyways, I hope you have a great day!)

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