Chapter Seven

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---- Annalise ----

It had been twenty hours since Liam proposed we become mates... 1440 minutes.... 86400 seconds...

And in none of those thousands of seconds, had it sunk in exactly what I was doing.

I was fully expecting to wake up, and have this all be a dream. But no such luck. After we'd left the library, and Liam had walked me home, he suggested that we head round to the Alpha's pack house as soon as we could, and ask him if he could bind us together. Fated mates were chosen by the moon goddess, but those who chose their soul mate, had to have it blessed by their Alpha, to make it official.

I can't imagine with everything that's going on, that Alpha Hunter is going to be in the right frame of mind to hear our request, but I guess it's worth a shot...

I was still lying in bed, having watched the sun rise, and now disappear above my house... lunchtime I guess.

A loud knock echoed from my front door, and I was slow to respond.

"Coming!" I shouted, dragging myself out of my bed, and heading downstairs, dragging my feet behind me almost, to see who it was. As I opened the door, I was unsurprised, but still a little shocked, to see Liam stood there, with a bouquet of red roses in his hand, and a timid smile on his face.

"Hey Anna... can I come in?" he asked, and I nodded, dumbly, unable to think of anything else to say.

He stepped past me, and took a look round my small two bedroom home. He'd been here many times before, and going by the darting of his eyes, I'd take a guess that he was nervous. Was he changing his mind? I can't believe it, but part of me was hoping he was.

"How can I help?" I asked, quietly.

He smiled at me once more, and handed over the flowers, his free hand going to the back of his neck, a nervous gesture he'd had since I'd known him. "I wanted to apologise for the abrupt proposal yesterday. I've been planning asking you for ages, and yesterday all my emotions got to me after the attack, and I just blurted everything out. I'm sorry... you deserved something far more romantic."

No... what I deserved was my actual mate...

"Thank you Liam, you didn't have to come round... but thank you," I took the flowers from him, and made my way into the kitchen. He followed me, but at a distance.

"I was also wondering..." he said, "if you wanted to head over to the Alpha's house today, I heard that he's resumed pack business, with Ethan helping out with the backlog... so they might have time to hear our request...?" I stopped what I was doing, and felt my heart do the same. Present my request in front of Ethan? Even though I knew he didn't love me, I knew I couldn't face him and ask to be mated to another... but I had to... "I know it's going to be hard Anna..." Liam wrapped his arms around my waist, and held me tightly to him. "But we'll have to do it eventually. I'm sorry that your love was unrequited with Ethan, but I won't make his mistake. I want you to be my mate, and I don't care who knows it, and they can shove any problems they have with it where the sun doesn't shine."

I turned to face him, a lump still lodged in my throat, and tried to present a worthy, and convincing smile, "it's alright Liam, I appreciate all you're doing for me, and I'm sure I can manage a trip to the Alpha's house. You're right. It needs to be done eventually, better to run the risk of talking to Alpha Hunter and Ethan together, than just Ethan on his own."

"I'm so sorry that it didn't work out Anna, I really am. You deserve all the happiness in the world," Liam rested his forehead against mine. "But I can't stand by any longer... I love you Anna..."

I let my smile grow a bit more... and he seemed to enjoy it.

"Come on," he said. "Let's head out now, before we both get too scared to face them." He gently grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the bottom of the stairs. "You go get changed, not that I don't enjoy seeing you in your pyjamas..." I blushed madly when I realised that I was still in my jogging bottoms and tank top from last night. "But I definitely don't want any other male to see you right now!" We both smiled at that one, and I started to make my way up the stairs. "Oh, and Anna." I spun round again. "Thank you, I really mean that... thank you for giving me a chance." I gave him one last smile, before making my way back up the stairs. The smile dropped as I reached my bedroom door, and I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.

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