Chapter Four

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----- Moira -----

It had been a week since I'd last spoken to Kaiden, to anyone for that matter.

I hadn't taken his rejection well.

I must have spent about five minutes just lying on top of him, trying to work out if I'd heard what he'd said correctly or not. But the look on his face, and the silence surrounding me, just confirmed everything. My mate had rejected me, as far as I was concerned, there was nothing for me to leave the house for anymore. Dad and Ethan were shocked to say the least, they must have known he was my mate, and they were geared for a fight to keep me away from him, I doubt they were expecting him to reject me before they had chance to step in. It was a rare occurence for mates to reject each other.

I'd known Kaiden for the majority of my life, and although we rarely ever spoke, I'd never known him to be cruel. But he was. I didn't even get a chance to properly talk to him about... well anything! And the next thing I know, he's rejected me and said a big fat NO to even the remotest possibility of our mating!

I was still lying there, when I felt a pair of hands grab my arms, pulling me away from my ma... ex mate...

Ethan held me far away from Kaiden, as dad and Tim dragged him from the basement. He looked away after Ethan moved me, and didn't look at me again, not even when I very audibly sobbed. He didn't look too bothered by his rejection, if anything, he looked bored. I was heartbroken, and he was bored...

"Moira...?" a voice behind my bedroom door carefully whispered. It was Joey. I'd refused to talk to anyone since I left that basement, and no one had really tried more than once to get me to talk or leave my bedroom. They all understood my need for space. This was the first time that Joey had spoken to me since she found out four days ago. "Moira, hunny, you need to eat something. Lying in bed isn't doing you any good."

I said nothing, and after a while, I heard her sigh and step away from the door once more.

On more than one occassion I'd found myself moving to get up off the bed, with the sole intention of finding Kaiden and demanding answers myself. I knew he'd been taken to the cells that we kept on the outskirts of the pack area, and it wouldn't take me long to reach it if I was quick, and left before anyone noticed.

But I didn't want to. No matter what my growing feelings were for Kaiden, how much I wanted to know why my mate had rejected me, my Alpha pride refused me to let me show such weakness. I was going to stay in my room, and not let anyone, especially Kaiden, know how much he hurt me.

---- Kaiden ----

I sat in the corner of my cell, staring emotionless at the dirty wall facing me. There was a small cot that would have been far more comfortable, but I didn't deserve it.

"I... I can't believe you did that..."

I said nothing.

My wolf hadn't stopped saying that since we'd been put down here, and he was right. My rejection even stumped me at first, before I realised it was the right to do. My brain had taken over, and done the right thing, before my body could grasp a hold of the mate I was undeserving of... but sorely wanted.

"She wouldn't have understood... but we could have tried..."

No we couldn't. Moira would never have understood, she could never have wanted us, not once she knew the truth.

"She's our mate... rejecting her means someone else can have her..."

I growed, involuntarily. I still consider her my mate, I know... she's my mate... In a pack, if the male rejects the female, it's still not a complete rejection if the human and the wolf do not agree with the idea. Needless to say, neither of us were happy with what had happened, so for us at least... the rejection didn't work, Moira was still our mate. She always would be. But for her, it was all too real. I was more than willing to go through the pain of seeing her with someone else if it meant she was safe. As far as the other, unmated males were concerned... she was fair game.

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