Though Zayn can tell that he didn't take what Louis had said to heart, the vampire royal can't seem to completely mask that aspect of him that yearns for his mates approval. Louis had unknowingly planted a seed of insecurity in the vampires mind.

Both leaders turn their questioning gazes to me at that moment, their eyes shining with the question of which one of them I find more attractive.

They didn't specifically ask this, but I can tell that, that's exactly what they mean. Are they serious right now?

"I'm literally about to piss myself and that's what you're arguing about? Let me out of the damn cage." They continue to stare, awaiting my answer. Bloody hell. If I could only strangle them without feeling guilty.

"Nuh uh. We're not gonna start that whole favoritism thing. You're both bloody gorgeous in your own, individual way and I'm equally attracted to you both. Don't ask me questions like this again. I hate choosing, I refuse to."

Harry nods at that, a sheepish yet oddly charming smile on his face while Louis grunts, a small blush crawling up his ears as he averts his blue eyes. Adorable.

A Lycanthrope warrior, decked in what I assume is light armor hesitantly approaches the three of us. He bows respectfully and stands at attention, staring at Louis who is still locked in the air bubble.
He blatantly avoids looking at me, a smart move on his part, if Louis jealousy and temper is any indication of his intolerance of others ogling 'what belongs to him'.

"You may speak." Someone's formal.

"Alpha your stamp of approval is needed before certain preparations are made for tomorrow. Times running out." 
Louis gets the message and sends an expectant stare to Harry, using his hands to motion to his predicament.

Harry raises a brow as his lips quirk up in a teasing smile, he nods his head in my direction, an expectant stare of his own now pinned on the Alpha.

When Louis looks at me, I give him a deadpan look, hands on my hips as I wait impatiently. "Are you gonna let me out or what? If I didn't know any better I'd say that this is some type of weird kink of yours."

He smirks at that, scanning me from head to toe in barely contained appreciation. "I'm not an exhibitionist pup, I don't like the thought of anyone having the privilege of even looking at what belongs to me. You're for my eyes only."

Heat rises to my cheeks as my eyes change to gray in embarrassment of his bold words. Harry clears his throat loudly, a scowl on his pretty lips. He glares heatedly at Louis, fangs elongated slightly. "Ours you twat. He doesn't belong to you alone. He's also mine. Mine."

Harry pauses and thinks for a second, glancing from me to Louis in concentration, contemplating something.

Oh boy.

He stops at me, a pleading expression on his face accentuated by a pout. "Kitten? Can I kill him? He's practically trapped, I could just suck all the oxygen from his lungs."

Kitten and Pup. Polar Opposites. Both are cute though so I won't make a fuss.

Louis releases a loud chuckle, as he manipulates the earth, making makeshift cuffs that he tries to use to latch onto Harry's ankles.

Harry simply dodges his attempt, now hovering or flying rather, a safe distance from the ground. "You couldn't kill me if you tried, plus if I died then our mate would soon follow and so would you. That's basically suicide Harry. Still as dumb as ever I see."

The vampire shouts out an indignant 'I'm not dumb, you ass' in protest to Louis' playful jab, lips pursed in annoyance.

Yea. Louis seems to have that effect on people. Stubborn and annoying, I've hit the jackpot everybody.

• Triple Threat Together •  [Zourry] |Man X Man|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن