Chapter VI

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Third Person Point of View

Nishikata had pulled back shocked at what had just occurred. "G-Gomenasai Jōzu-kun" Kuroneko said looking away embarrassed. "Nah... Its fine. I needed to be reminded what happiness feels like anyways" Nishikata said with a smile. "Oi..." she said smiling. She then looks at her phone to see the time. It read 6:06pm. "Well it was nice spending time with you Jōzu-kun but I gotta go to my dorm and study" she says smiling. "Hai" he replied. "Matane" she says smiling as she opened the door. "Wait" he said as he stopped her by her bare shoulder causing him to blush at contact. "Nani?" she said and turned to face him. "Umm... can I have your phone number" he said blushing. "Nande?" she replied blushing. "...No reason hehehe.." he croaked weakly. "Fine why not" she said pulling her phone out of her pocket. They then exchange phones. They each then type in their numbers into each others phones and hands each other back their phone. "Arigato gozaimasu" Nishikata said as he walked down the hallway with her. "Mondainai" she replied with a closed eyed smile. "So your OK walking to your dorm by yourself?" questions Nishikata as he peeped out the door into the hallway. "Hai" Kuroneko replied in a sweet tone causing Nishikata to blush uncontrollably. "Matane" she waved. "Matane" he shouted back as she walked off. She turned around midway and saw he was still watching her. She smiled softly and turned a corner.

Nishikata heard Takagi and Ryoma still in the kitchen talking and laughing. Nishikata then heard a growl emit from his stomach. "Looks like I'm hungry" he says quietly to himself. He then walks towards the kitchen. Ryoma and Takagi then stop talking. Nishikata head's towards the fridge and pulls out some food. "So this is your dorm mate?" says Ryoma looking Nishikata up and down. Nishikata then looks at Takagi out the corner of his eye. "Yeah..." she said lowly. "I don't like him" said Ryoma clasping Takagi's hand. Nishikata then felt anger boil up inside him. 'I don't give a damn if you like me or not punk' Nishikata thought as he gritted his teeth. He then picked up a knife. He then accidentally cuts himself as he is cutting carrots. The knife hits the floor and Nishikata winces saying: "Ouch"! Blood then starts dripping from his palm. "Hey watch what the hell your doing" said Ryoma sternly. Nishikata growled with anger. He couldn't take Ryoma's constant complaints anymore. "SHUT THE HELL UP TALKING TO ME!!" Nishikata yelled with angry eyes. Takagi was startled. Ryoma eyes turned from cocky to satisfied ones. "What's your problem dork?" he says smiling in satisfaction. "Baka-Nish" he said smiling evilly. Then it hit Nishikata.

Flashback 8 years ago at this exact date...

"Who's this loser?" says Ryoma smugly at the onyx haired boy. "Oh... I'm Jōzu Nishikata, nice to meet you" Nishikata replies offering his hand. "I won't shake your hand bastard" Ryoma says delivering a uppercut to Nishikata's stomach. Blood spilled forth within Nishikata and he spat it out. He then got on his knees. Nearby bystanders sat down their lunch to come watch the scuffle. "Why are you doing this... Why do I deserve this???" Nishikata shouted with tears welling up in his eyes. He then smiles. "Because... Your a bitch that'll get beat if you don't do whatever I say.... BAKA-NISH!" he exclaimed with an evil cackle. Suddenly, a girl with midnight blue hair and violet eyes appeared in front of them both. "I won't be a bystander and let you continue to hurt him!" she yelled as she slapped him as hard as she could. He stepped back a bit. "Don't interfere!" he yelled as he punches her in the jaw. She then falls to the ground and Nishikata looms at the girls once beautiful cheek that was now badly bruised. He then clenched his fist. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!" Nishikata yelled as he prepares to fight.

Flashback End....

Everything now fell into place now for Nishikata. 'That brave girl who tried to defend me back then... The only bystander who actually stepped in and tried to stop that bully... It was...Kuroneko... And that bully.... It was... RYOMA!' thought Nishikata. All this information was too much for him to take in. Nishikata then felt the world go black before dropping to the ground.

Hours later, Nishikata finds himself in a dark room. There's a savoury aroma in the air and he exits the room to follow the smell. He then realizes he's in their dorm and Takagi was in the kitchen cooking. He felt his mouth water. Takagi then peeks around the corner startling him. "Serve yourself. Dinner's ready" she said as she went to her room with her plate. Nishikata then fixes his plate. There was beef tips with some rice and was sided by a course of dumplings. He gratefully took his plate to his room and chowed down. He then put the plate into the kitchen sink. He then takes himself a bath and found himself falling asleep once again.

Next day, Nishikata and Kuroneko had met up once again. They were discussing what clubs they should be in for the upcoming club selection event. They then made it to Takizawa-Sensei's class. They sat in their same seats and awaited the instructions for the day. "Ohayo class" he said in a happy mood. "Ohayo" the class replied. "Today class, you'll be assigned a project. The topic is about Japanese architecture and how it came to be!" he explained. People around the class began to take note. "You'll be assigned a team of four each with 2 boys and 2 girls" he continued. He then went under his desk and pulled out two bowls filled with names on strips of paper. "The first team is.... Jōzu Nishikata, Ryoma Aoi, Takagi Karakai and last but not least Kuroneko Yakizera" said Takizawa-Sensei. Nishikata then smiled at Kuroneko happy to be on a team with her. She smiled back. Takizawa-Sensei read out the rest of the teams and dismissed class.

After school, they all met up at the school's library. "Ohayo gozaimasu" Kuroneko greeted everyone. "Ohayo" the monotoned back. "So how are we gonna do this?" said Nishikata. "Oi Jōzu-kun, we should divide the work, Takagi-chan and Ryoma-kun should do half and we do half" suggested Kuroneko. "I'm in" Ryoma muttered avoiding eye contact. "Yeah sounds good to me" Takagi added. "What about you Jōzu-kun? Are you OK with it?" she asked. "H-Hai" he said with a small blush. Takagi felt a bit jealous at his reaction and how close Kuroneko was to him. "We can do it at me and Nishikata's dorm" said Takagi. "H-Hai he-he-he" Nishikata said as he laughed weakly. They then walked to the two's dorm and each pair went to their separate rooms. Ryoma and Takagi went in Takagi's room and Kuroneko and Nishikata went into his room.

Nishikata and Kuroneko finishes their half in no time flat while Takagi and Ryoma were still working. Nishikata and Kuroneko finished their work from other classes with a couple minutes of their spare time. They then watch another anime called Boku No Hero Academia which was one of Kuroneko's absolute favorites! Ryoma is getting frustrated. "Takagi, don't you know this stuff? Is this even right?" he yells. She then starts to cry. "Oh great, now your being a whiny brat! Fine I'll go ask that bitch Kuroneko then" he says opening and slamming the door. He then barges into Nishikata's room startling him and Kuroneko. "What the hell are you-" he's cut off when he sees the TV screen and what it was playing. An evil grin then spread across Ryoma's face. "Your ass is mine JŌZU" he yells maniacally as he leaves the dorm. Nishikata then got a bad feeling in his gut. He knew tomorrow was gonna be a long and rough day at school....

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