슈가 : 사랑 스럽다 (2)

Start from the beginning

"That Yoongi guy that you keep telling me none stop about, I think he's confessing tonight." She said. My eyes bulged out of my eye sockets.

"What?!" I said in a panicked whisper shouts.

"He can't! I would be so awkward and not to mention a blushing mess. Then I would stutter or something and ruin the whole thing." I said my voice going higher and higher. My stylist put a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n. You'll be fine. And I know you like him back so when he does ask you just say yes." She said smiling at me. I gawked at her, that's it? That's how easy she's going to make it sound. I groaned and she laughed.

"You'll be fine." I looked at my reflection. I sure freaking hope so.


My heart was pounding out of it's chest for the second time today. Except this time it was because how sexy Yoongi looked up on stage and how amazing he looked even after he changed to jeans and a sweater for the dinner tonight. At this rate I'm going to die from heart rest. My tiny heart can't take it anymore.

"Y/n!" He came over to me smiling. Don't hug me. Don't hug me. Don't hug me.

"You look so cute." He said crushing me in a hug. As if my body knew, a furious blush erupted across my cheeks. I groaned. He pulled away and hooked his arm around my neck.

"Come on we were waiting." He said motioning to the restaurant. I smiled weakly and followed him inside.

"Oh my God my apparentence slayed." Hoseok gushed at me. I smiled brightly, happy that I made him proud.

"Yeah seriously you were amazing." Namjoon said through mouthfuls of food.

"All of you were great. I think that was the best debut stage I've ever seen." Jimin smiled sweetly to my members and I. The dinner ended swiftly with tons of laughter and talking, BTS really was an amazing group.

"I'm going to go use the restroom." I said blushing a little. I looked up to see that know was paying attention. I smiled a little and made my way towards the bathroom. I took a little longer than expected because there was a line and a particular lady who couldn't hold her bladder.

"Sorry I took a while." I said in a small voice. I looked up to see yoongi smiling fondly at me.

"The rest ditched. Come on I'll walk you home." He said motioning me to follow him. I smiled nodding. The cold night air rushed inside the restaurant as Yoongi held the door open for me. I didn't shiver though, for some reason, I had a certain fondness over cold weather.

"Aren't you cold?" Yoongi peared at me. I shook my head with a small smile. He shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"So.." He said trailing off. I concentrated on my feet and hopped a little.

"So.." I said back. He smiled.

"You did really well today." He said again. I smiled nodding.

"Thanks." He quickly shook his head.

"No seriously, the crowd went wild when you guys went up their." I blushed. I was glad he couldn't see since it was dark.

"I wouldn't blame them. With people like you up there who wouldn't?" He smiled and my heart picked up it's pace almost immediately. Damn it Yoongi. Three times today.

"Y/n I have to ask you something." We were close the dorms, I turned around to face him. I nodded encouragingly.

"Go ahead." I urged softly. Before I knew it, he had his arms intertwined with mine and his face extremely close to mine, now I was sure that he could see my angry blush.

"Wh-wh-what is it." I stuttered. He smiled softly and touched his forehead to mine. He searched my eyes and slowly leaned in. Butterflies explodes in my stomach when his soft lips touched mine. I froze in place not sure what to do. He brought my hands to his shoulder and left them their while he gripped my waist, pulling me in closer. It was all so soft. He deepened the kiss and I didn't pull away. He pulled away after a while, a bright smile taking over his face.

"Will you be my miss right Y/n?" He said. I nodded closing my eyes so I could never forget this moment.

"I think so." I said softly. He blushed a little and dipped his head lower.

"My beautiful girl." He murmured before he enveloped my lips in a kiss again.



I'M sO soFt I hOnESTly CAn't eveN

Idk why but I think this is probably the fluffiest of the fluffs I've written so far..

If that made any sense

Anywayyy here's Adorable Part 2 for ya, sorry it took so long to update

This one's for you btssexydolls ;)

~ Author-nim

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