prince and the pauper

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request for @itsme_221b I hope you like it! It's kinda like a fairy tale so I hope you don't mind.. alsooo he's kinda ooc but I mean...


She wiped her brow, 'huh... the sun is setting' she thought.

She stood by the window holding the cleaning supplies, the beautiful (y/n), maid of the royal Ackerman family.

Lots ran through her mind, one thing being that Prince Levi was searching for a princess as he would soon be the king.

You see, his mother Kuchel Ackerman was very sick and had mere days left to live, and with Prince Levi's father deceased, this left only him and his younger brother Misak. (See what I did there hehe)

However, little did he know that his gorgeous, kindhearted and caring maid, (Y/f/n), had fallen in love with him long ago, and very much wanted to be his princess.

"That's forbidden!" yelled Petra, fellow maid.

"Keep your voice down, we will get in trouble." Sighed (y/n) glumly. "I really do love him though. He acts all tough but I can see that he's a very sweet man inside." She smiled proudly.

Though she grew confused and curious as Petra's face showed a shocked expression, looking behind her with her eyes wide open and jaw nearly on the floor.

"Petra! Close your mouth, flies will go in." Mia shook her head.

"What was that about me being a sweet man inside?" Came a deep voice in her left ear.

Her eyes opened in shock. "Prince Levi! I didn't know you were down here.. what are you doing in the maids quarters at this time of night?" She turned around nervously.

"Am I not allowed to check up on my servants? And while I'm here, whoever cleaned my mother's bathroom must do it all over again, it's hideous." He scowled.

Petra bowed to him. "I'm very sorry your highness!" She rushed out to redo it.

"Well, I'm off. Get your rest. Tomorrow will be a long day. The princesses are coming." He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Oh! Of course! You should get your sleep as well your highness." She replied, her heart breaking inside when she realized what this meant.

Th next day she woke up bright and early, heavy hearted. Before the princesses arrived, her, Petra and the other maids cleaned the whole palace from top to bottom, especially the ballroom where Levi would choose his love.

(Y/n) had been checking every inch of the ballroom, making sure everything was perfect as a simple mistake could leave her without a job.

As soon as the princesses began to arrive, it became hectic.

Glares were thrown every direction, especially at the maids as they were looked down upon by royalty.

Gowns swished and eyelashes fluttered, each princess shooting their best shot at becoming the soon to be queen of Trost. (I literally have only watched the first season bc I'm too scared so I'm sorry if details aren't accurate, it's also been a while hahaha)

However, Prince Levi seemed uninterested, distracted almost, and soon broke.

He stood up abruptly from his soon to be thrown and ran towards the maids quarters, looking for (y/n) who had been on her break, leaving the clacking of his dress shoes to echo through the halls.

"(Y/n)! We need to go now!" He growled as he reached her, panting and hunched over.

"Prince Levi! What's wrong?" She replied, a concerned look rest upon her face.

"Don't 'Prince Levi' me! You know it's just Levi when we're alone..." he huffed.

"I-I thought that was just a one-time thing." She stuttered.

"A one-time thing? We've kissed on multiple occasions.. is this some kind of joke to you? We need to get out of here, I can't take it anymore." He replied, changing into raggedy servant clothing right in front of her.

"What are you suggesting? We run away? If they find out I'll be beheaded!!" She whisper-yelled, shielding her eyes.

"We are running away, nobody should recognize me in this clothing and before they realize Ive completely left the kingdom we will be gone." As he was saying this they creeped up some stairs and snuck out a window, a bag of food, money, and all other necessities they would need that he packed resting upon his shoulder.

"You're supposed to be king! You're supposed to find your queen!" She panted.

"I love only you (y/n) and you know that. I can't keep this a secret any longer and it is ridiculous that it is now allowed for a prince to be with the one he truly loves. Misak wanted to be king anyway. He would've killed me eventually to gain that spot so why not leave now?" He huffed once more as they journeyed on. (Yes that's the correct spelling and yes ik it looks weird)

After a while of running, walking, and breaks, not to mention a lot of crazy thoughts running through their minds, she blurted out "I love you too Levi", tearing up when they came to a complete stop.

"Of course... We can stay here tonight, I made this hideaway when I was very young and nobody knows about it, tomorrow we will continue on." He sighed, exhausted already.

She ran over to where he sat in the hut and hugged him like she had never hugged before. he rocked her back and forth as she sobbed.

"I'm so scared Levi... what if something bad happens? What if we get caught?" She hiccuped.

"Hush now (y/n), sleep. There are no what ifs. Only the present. You and me together for the rest of our lives. I love you." He said as he pulled her into a passionate kiss, the stoic look on his face looking more tired, more relieved.

"I love you more Levi."

"I love you most, darling"


i'm so sorry to the person who requested for a prince levi imagine and received this poopy i'm really sorry babe ily young mia didn't understand

levi ackerman imagines / oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin