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levi pov

Although I am only 13.. I have been helping Commander Erwin with gathering supplies, buying food, and watching his adopted daughter (Y/N), in exchange for a roomful in HQ and food to eat. Even though (Y/N) is 9 years old, we have become very close.

My parents died when I was young, though I didn't mind because I hated them more than you could imagine. I didn't really like anyone. Anyone except for (Y/N).

I protected her as if she were my own, for Erwin was always busy with the cadets. (Y/N) was like a little sister to me. She was the only one I loved. I was stoic and bossy around other people but around (Y/N)... I was a completely different person.

your pov

"Hey Levi?"

"Yes (Y/N)?" he waited patiently.


"What's a soulmate?"

I asked Levi as we sat on a fence near this pretty, pretty lake that was quite close to HQ, me sitting on his lap.

"It's a.. Well, it's like a best friend but more" he answered. I sat there thinking about that time I asked if we could be bestest of friends, and if we could stay together. He said yes and that he would never leave me, that he would care for and protect me until the day he died and longer after that. Forever.

"It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else." he said, staring off at the lake.

I thought about the time he first brought me to the lake. He knew I was fascinated by large bodies of water and that someday I wanted to go see the ocean. But I settled for the lake until that happened. It was our spot, the spot we went to when one of us was sad, mad, irritated, or stressed out. It calmed us down, being together.

"It's someone who makes you a better person... Actually they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself.. because they inspire you" he stated as I thought about the time not too long ago, when he saved me from the underground district and how he helped Father Erwin adopt me.

"it's the one person who new you and accepted you... and believed in you.. before anyone else did.....

Or when no one else would." I remembered the time when my mother abandoned me.. saying that I was worthless and she didn't care if I died. She hit me, and thats when she lost all control and got killed by some guy right in front of me. The guy then got taken away by the scout regiment and thats when Levi found me.

"A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you forever." I went through the memories of having Levi by my side. I was never sad when Levi was there.. He always made me so happy and safe-feeling. He always took care of me when Erwin was busy... which was and still is a lot.

"And no matter what happens, you will always love them.. Nothing could ever change that." I felt my eyes started to droop as the sun set. He rested his chin on top of my head as I started to drift of into slumber.. but right as I was about to fall asleep, his words started to echo through my mind.

"(Y/N).. I love you" He stated as I lay there peacefully, as he keeps his embrace around me, where it was the whole time as my (E/C) eyed eyelids flutter closed.

Owls hoo as the wind travels through Levi and I's hair and the moonlight makes contact with my pale skin.

Levi stands up, getting off of the wood fence and holds me bridal style as he goes to carry me to Erwin and my's room. As he places me on my separate bed from Erwin's. He gives me a small peck on the forehead. While he pulls the covers up I say

"I love you too, Levi"

As I re-drift off to sleep.

erwin pov

I watched and listened as Levi gave his speech about soulmates, and in all honesty, I think thats what (Y/N) and Levi are.


what the hell was i thinking when i wrote this smh my head

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