The Happiness Adds On - Part 2

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Hey Guys. Thank you so much to anyone who has taken their time and read my book so far. I hope you guys the second chapter. :)

Recap: I just stood there, taking my hand back. Still confused and trying to jog my memory. And suddenly, it hit me. My eyes widen as I stared at him.


"Don't just stare at me. I know I'm still hot." I couldn't help but laugh. I walked over to him as he stretched his arms and pulled me into a hug. 

"Gosh it's been so long. I haven't seen you since senior year back in Canada." he said. My mom and I lived in Canada for nearly 7 years with my mama (uncle). I completed the last two years of elementary school and all of high school in Canada. After I graduated high school, I couldn't find a reason to stay back. That's when mumma and I moved back to NYC. 

I simply smiled. "Hey Vik! It's nice to see you. How have you been?"

"I've been exhausted with work. I joined this company after wasting 2 years once I graduated college. The owner is my cousin and I wanted to help him in making his dream for the company come true. Along the way, I realized I like working for this company and it also keeps me close to the family. Basically, I'm recovering the badass image and turning into a suitable gentleman." 

"It's okay. I understand. Everyone has their ups and downs in life. You should just be happy you changed for a positive reasoning. It's good to see someone actually helping a family member in business instead of trying to take over." I joked and I knew he understood the joke with the way he smiled. 

"Yup. I'm much happier as a person. I think you might know my cousin. He went to high school with us. Much better of a person than I was, if I say myself. He's..." And we were interrupted by a knock. 

The boss's PA walked in, informing me about a meeting I totally forgot about. "Shit! Yes, I'll be there in 5 minutes. Just please have files and the presentation ready for me by then." She had her eyes locked on Vik. He looked polite but uninterested in her. "You may leave now." And she walked out. "Listen Vik. I'm so sorry about this. I totally forgot about this meeting. I hope you understand and we can further discuss the details of the Kapoors Apartment Residence soon." I smiled.

"Ummmmm...and what if I don't understand and don't forgive you this easily." I shot him a confused look. I hope this doesn't affect our business deal or else I was sured to be replaced.

"Relax. I'm only kidding. I didn't mean it in such a way. I meant you could be easily forgiven if..." Oh no! I knew what he was going to say. How do I refuse nicely? " could join me for lunch later on today?" Oh crap.

"I'm not too sure. I'm not as social as I used to be. I don't really hang out much."

"Oh come on. I need food. You need food. We're humans. It's just talking and lunch." I smiled. "I guess that's a yes. Okay so 1pm, I'll meet you outside your cabin."


We walked over to a small Italian restaurant located just two blocks away from our office. I was quite surprised and impressed with his restaurant choice because I loved Italian food. We finished our meals and decided on some coffee. Our conversation was much on a low key, mainly discussing the Kapoors case. 

"This is great. I haven't met anyone from high school since I've moved here."

"What else is up with your life? Apart from business and working?" I slowly tried to open up this conversation. I wasn't much social anymore but I felt very relaxed with Vik. 

" No girlfriend if that's what you mean." And he winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Definitely just recovering. "Kind of getting lonely with the work stress. I've been linked with other girls before but, nothing serious. Maybe a date or drinks but, nothing more. In fact,...don't you dare tell anyone..I was even linked with a guy recently." 

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