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Just keep swimming

Just keep swimming

Percy's POV:

Oh my gosh, oh my blue pancakes gosh! Annabeth, beautiful name by the way, and I almost just kissed. But before we could, she turned away with a sad gleam in her stormy gray eyes. Not going to lie, I'm a little hurt. Why would she do such a thing?

"I'm tired, it's been a long day," Annabeth excuses herself and sets herself up against a tree, Pascal at her side.

"Goodnight," I say faintly, running a hand through my hair. Getting up, I fill my canteen with water from the pond and splash some of the fire out. Going back again, I extinguish the last half before turning around in panic. Something rustles behind me noisily, hiding in the bushes. "Who's there?" I demand, eyes searching.

"Let's just say, I'm here on business Jackson," A rough voice nears me. Spinning around in a circle I rest my eyes on a figure, standing in front of Annabeth.

"What do you want?" I ask, approaching him slowly.

He holds up a hand, "Take no steps further, Jackson." His buddy, comes to his side, shining a flashlight on their faces. I feel my face go slack in shock. Standing in between Annabeth and I are the two thugs I stole the crown from!

"We're only going to say this once," The guy on the left starts. "The night of the lost princess's birthday you will come to the stable you used to clean daily."

The horse stable right outside the kingdom, I think. "Why? What do you want? I'm not going to repeat myself again."

The thug on the right smiles wickedly, "We want the crown and something else, in which you will find out later. Do we have a deal?"

Pulling myself upright, I state, "No! The whole point of stealing the crown from you guys was to give it back to its rightful owner."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong," The right thug begins to near Annabeth. My heart beat becomes rapid. "The lost princess exists alright, in fact, you've become quite close to her." He gestures to my sleeping Wise Girl.

"No, no, that's not possible! She would've told me," I shake my head, not believing it for a second.

"She doesn't know. She was kidnapped and hidden in that tower at a very young age. This is the first time she's ever interacted with people and been outside those walls." What he says shocks me beyond belief. Annabeth doesn't know who she is. Who she was.

"She deserves the right to know," I argue.

The right thug takes his place back beside his buddy, "But you won't tell her."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I question, "Why would you think that?"

"Because if you do, you'll regret it," The left thug says evilly, raising a knife in a gesture before they both disappear into the darkness of the forest. I am left standing there, a terrible feeling growing inside of me and standing in a hollow section of the forest.


"Get up! What we're you staying up all night or something?" Annabeth demands, shaking my shoulders. I groan, and she mutters something unintelligent. "Alright, that's it. I'm leaving without you," She sings, walking away. I don't move. All I can think about is how much danger she is in and how I would never be able to live with myself if anything happened to her. What am I going to do? How can I keep something so life-changing important from her?

Before I can twitch a finger, someone jumps onto me making me cry out in surprise, sitting upright. I look to see Annabeth laughing, on my lap, clutching her stomach. "That got you up alright."

"It's too early for this," I mumble, finding myself looking into her breathtaking eyes.

Annabeth rolls her eyes, "Come on Seaweed Brain, let's go. Today is the day!!!" She squeals, fiddling with her hands in excitement.

Without thinking, I take her hands in mine and smile. "Okay, okay, I get it." She watches our hands, moving and intertwining within one another. I graze my thumb over knuckles.

"Percy?" She asks faintly.

Looking up at her, I say, "Yeah?"

She glances at our hands once more before fleeing back to my eyes, "You won't leave me, after today, will you?"

What would make her think that? "Not for the world." Without warning her, I pick her up and carry her to the pond. She clutches at my chest, "Seaweed Brain, what are you doing?" Not responding, I throw her into the water with a giant splash. She comes back to the surface, gasping as I laugh. Before I can back away from the water's edge, she pulls me in with her and we both sink to the bottom of the lake.

I gaze into her wide-open eyes. She grins, and I watch in awe as our faces etch closer and closer to one another. Neither wanting to wait any longer, we connect, our lips touching softly in sync. The lack of gravity, makes us spin around slowly in the deep, cool water, embracing. I've got to say, this was by far the best pond-underwater kiss ever.

I had to do it!! Hope y'all are having a nice day. The next chapter will be tomorrow and then you'll have to wait ten days until the next because I won't have wifi. – The Fangirl

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HoO. I do not own the story of Rapunzel. I do not own these characters.

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