Who Are You?

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  Who are you?
Are you my friend?
Or are you my master?
My protector?
Or enslaver?
You say that I'm your friend
Just like the humans who follow you around
But they don't fight for you
Get hurt for you
Now do they?
I fight for a badge
A tiny, little thing
Yet, you really like them
I'm not quite sure why
We go around fighting
People we meet are impressed
'Wow, you got all those badges?'
You didn't get them
I did.
And then when you get many
We go and battle others
What was the point?
You say proudly you want to be a pokemon master
I don't want a master
I just want a friend
I don't need a master
Do I?
I survived in the wild without you, after all
And what exactly is a master?
A slavemaster?
A friend?
Can you be friends with a master?
Your trainer, yes, perhaps
But how can a someone's master
Be their friend?
I don't know why I'm thinking all this
I never did before
I just accepted it as the natural thing
But I just keep having this dream...
I stood before a huge, strong pokemon
He says we are the servants of humans
I jump up and say he is wrong
"So, you say I am wrong, that you are not this human's servant?"
Not quite a dream
More like a memory, really
When I answer yes
-Or when I did, if it really happened-
I do it without hesitation
Firm in my belief that it is true
Yet now I'm not so sure
Am I your slave?
You don't seem to think dreams are important
That they are just imaginary
But pokemon
-well, wild ones-
Say dreams are important
That they can tell you things about the future
Or give you advice
So, was this dream sent to tell me something?
Or is it just my imagination?
Do I follow pokemon beliefs, taught to me since I was a child?
Or your human beliefs, as my trainer?
I think dreams matter
But really, does it matter?
Even if it wasn't real
The question was
I fight for you
In return for
You take me to the pokecenter when hurt
But I get hurt in trainer battles
You hug and praise me when I win
But I don't win for me
You get and cook me food
But if I wasn't with you, I could find it myself
Only Charizard ever disobeyed
The rest of us would never
I don't really know why
I guess it all comes down to one thing-
Are you my friend?
Or are you my master?
I'm your friend
But I can't be
Unless you are mine
Can I?
So who are you?  

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