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A/N: The picture of the text messages will have some correlation to the chapter, as the chapter is from Sam's point of view

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

A/N: The picture of the text messages will have some correlation to the chapter, as the chapter is from Sam's point of view. Don't forget to leave me your comments, suggestions, likes and criticisms. I love hearing what you guys think!

Sam's P.O.V.-

Ever since Colby and I got back to L.A. from Michigan, he's been acting strange, distant and just not himself. He does get that way sometimes, but it has never been this bad before. Since his funk has never been this bad before, I texted Corey, Aaron, Devyn and Jake and asked them to meet me in the room that is off the kitchen that we play video games in so that we could talk about what to do with Colby. When I met them in the game room, I explained to them how Colby has had periods of time where he goes through a funk for a few days and then is fine, and how I have never seen him lock himself in his room for longer than a max of 5 days and it has been two weeks now. Corey suggested that I go and talk to him, to which Aaron and Jake agreed, but Devyn suggested that I somehow get a hold of his phone and go through it to figure out why Colby has been locked in his room for 2 weeks. I ended up taking Devyn's suggestion and later that night, I picked the lock on Colby's door and snuck into his room and grabbed his phone off his bedside table and went back to my room and began to look through his phone. I looked through his facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, voicemails, emails and text messages. I wasn't finding anything wrong on his social media accounts and his voicemails and emails weren't showing me anything either. When I looked at his text messages, I saw that he had been texting Shelby recently and they talked about how they missed each other, a lot.

After snooping through Colby's texts, I texted Shelby myself and asked her if she liked Colby[see picture at the beginning] and it turns out that she does, which was not a shock to me

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

After snooping through Colby's texts, I texted Shelby myself and asked her if she liked Colby[see picture at the beginning] and it turns out that she does, which was not a shock to me. After Shelby and I talked about whether or not she liked Colby, I told her that I was going to fly her out to Los Angeles to surprise Colby. Shelby was super excited to surprise Colby, especially since she wasn't liking what I told her what was going on with him. After picking out a date for Shelby to fly to LA, I texted the rest of the roommates individually telling them when Shelby would be flying out. After getting things settled with Shelby, I decided to text Kat and ask her what she was doing later, to which she responded that she was gonna go back to her apartment after she got off work and watch something on Netflix. I asked her if I could join her and she said yes and that she would text me later when she got off work and was back at her apartment.

~an hour later~

Kat texted me and told me that she was home and that I was welcome to come over when I was ready, so I got into my car and I went over to Kat's house, where we watched Netflix and ate junk food all night long.

No Matter Where You AreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz