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Hello! So we are getting near the end of the story...and it's about to punch you guys in the feels. I mean, like really hard. You've been warned. So please enjoy...and I realize that this story has a lot of chapters and that kind of drives people away. I honestly just want to thank you all who have stuck with the story for this long. Enjoy!

        "Clara, get ready for the adventure of your life!" The Doctor giggled excitedly. He was never this giddy, and Clara suspected it hasd something to do with the fact that he was sure he was going to be completely and totally forgiven. Secretly, Clara had already forgiven him, if the night before had been any proof.

        "And where would that be?" Clara said, smirking at his antics.

        "Well...we're going to this planet called Kiluj, where they do look like humans, but they're a deep purple and have bright orange lips! Pretty neat looking race, honestly. Luckily, there's no changing necessary; they barely wear clothes at all. So we'll be a little overdressed, but hey. Annnnnd," the Doctor chimed, while pulling a lever, shaking the entire TARDIS, "we're here! Let's go!" He grabbed his companion's hand and walked out the doors.

        "Lovely! This place looks amazing," Clara whispered. She grabbed the Doctor's hand as they ran into the city. They were approaching the city when a group of people had started gathering and staring. The Doctor leaned down to Clara and whispered into her ear, "So the reason that they're staring at us is because to them, we're kind of like Albinos. They're a deep purple, so compared to them we're a bright white color. Sometimes people with different skin colors are worshipped here, but they have to prove their self-worth. I was worshipped here once...saved the whole city. That was a different face, a few regenerations ago."

        Clara just smirked and replied with, "Doctor, you're rambling again." A group of royal-looking officials pushed through the crowd that had begun to swarm the entrance to the city upon the couple's arrival. The Doctor's face lit up when he saw who was now the King of Kiluj. "Jim!"

        "Doctor? Is that you? You look so different! And who's this beautiful woman?" Jim asked, looking at Clara, eyebrows raised. Clara blushed, and the Doctor furrowed his eyebrows at Jim.

        "I'm Clara, nice to meet you," Clara said, reaching out her hand. Jim took it and kissed it, until the Doctor cleared his throat.

        "Jim, we were wondering if we could stay here for a while? You know to visit, take a vacation from time-travelling? Clara and I have been through a lot lately, and were kind of wondering..." the Doctor asked, trailing off.

        "Of course! Clara, your room will be right next to mine, and Doctor, your's will be across the hall from Miss Clara's. Kopli, please show these two to their rooms?" Jim said, excitedly.

        The Doctor and Clara were whisked away to their rooms before either could object to having seperate rooms.


        Jim had been flirting with Clara all evening, much to the Doctor's dismay. Jim decided that they would have a party in the couple's honor, seeing as Jim was totally infatuated with Clara and the Doctor had saved the planet on several different occasions. They were sent to their rooms to find outfits waiting for them to dance in. Clara  was in a beautiful green dress that came off of her shoulders and down to the floor. The Doctor was wearing a deep blue dress shirt with a fancier tweed jacket than usual and a green bowtie. They met up in the ballroom, and both loved how the other looked. Clara noticed how Jim was wearing a green suit, the exact same color as hers. She was beginning to wonder why Jim was doing all of this for them.

        Clara and the Doctor were dancing graciously across the dance floor, laughing at the other and enjoying the other's company. This was by far the best vacation Clara had ever been on, and the Doctor was having some of the most fun he'd had in a really long time. Jim came up to the two and whisked Clara away from the Doctor, dancing with her.

        "Clara, do you know why I've asked you to this dance?" Jim began. "Well, you see, I know that you came here with the Doctor and everything, but I have become infatuated with you. I have never fell for someone so hard before, but I know that I need a queen soon," Jim ended. And with that he got in front of the entire room. "Excuse me! Excuse me! I have announcement to make! Clara," Jim said gesturing for her to join him where he was standing, "I have a question for you. Will you marry me?"

        Clara immediately screamed in her mind NO but she wasn't sure how this culture worked. She polietly turned him down in front of everyone, and the Doctor released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in. Soon, the entire ballroom was going mad with shouts of, "HOW DARE A TURK (their word for Albino) TURN DOWN THE KING?!"

        "Kill her!" was the more common of the shouts. Clara wasn't trying to upset anybody, but she loved the Doctor and wasn't going to marry anybody else. Apparently marriage was really important here. Jim wasn't trying to stop them or anything, and the Doctor had made his way beside her, trying to stop the riot that was coming at them. They couldn't escape, and he had left his screwdriver in his room considering all he was going to do was dance. He couldn't see a way out, all he could see was the girl in distress next to him.

Alright! I LOVE WRITING PLOT! Anyway, I'm sorry the entire chapter didn't upload the first time, I just had re-type all of it. However, there will only be one or two chapters left (depending how I split them up) and then it'll be over. Done. I'm trying to finish it before fingers crossed. As always, please vote, review, and keep on reading!

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