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Okay, maybe I was enjoying Mew Mew Kissy Cutie.

Maybe it was interesting. Maybe some of the scenes were quite nice and sweet. Maybe the aesthetic was nice for my eyes too. Maybe I shed a tear at the season finale. Maybe I enjoyed it when Papyrus and Frisk both fell asleep on my lap, even though my bones were being crushed. And maybe I was glad for this distraction from everything that's happened.

But I would never admit it to Sans. He'd probably think I were a joke. Besides, I feel more attracted to the gory things, like horror and murder. Which is dumb, considering I had almost been killed. I should probably hate that stuff by now. But I don't, so there's clearly something wrong with me. But honestly, binge watching MMKC was like therapy. I didn't know how much I needed it, until about halfway through, during a funny scene and everyone was laughing. I didn't realise how happy I was, and how long it's been since I'd laughed a lot. I was surrounded by people I loved, in a safe place, watching something nice. It was perfect.

Thinking back on last night, and letting the memories cloak me like a shield, I smile. I smile, because I know that there are people who I would die for. I smile, because I realised last night that all hope isn't gone. I can still be happy. I can move on.

Well, I can move on as soon as I get out of bed.

Groaning, I attempt to sit up, misjudging how knotted the sheets are. I go crashing back down onto the mattress, with a muffled 'ah'. Ugh. I struggle, trying to desperately squirm out of the blanket. In the process of doing so, I manage to roll out of the bed, landing on the floor with a 'oof'. I actually hate my life right now.

It takes five minutes of extreme concentration to untangle myself from the death quilt. I chuck it back on the bed and leave quickly before it can try to strangle me again. Frisk is already digging into breakfast, giving me a wave as I walk in. As soon as I sit down, Toriel comes out of nowhere and places a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of me. I've long learnt not to question her, and instead, I start digging in too. Toriel sits down with a plate of her own, taking smaller bites than us and periodically wiping her mouth with a napkin. She oozes nobility.

I sit back, sipping at the coffee she gave me. Wonder what we're going to do today. Could be training, if Undyne's free. Or we could go wondering around in New Home. Whatever it is, it should be fun.

"Children," Toriel says out of nowhere. I look up from my mug, to see her smiling slightly, holding a deep purple, velvet box. How blind am I to not notice? "A few weeks ago, Asgore offered me something." She plays with the gold clasp, and I suddenly know what's in there. "He offered me to go back to New Home. To be his queen once more. I have thought it over for a while. But, what I really want, is your approval."

"Why our approval? I'll follow you to New Home, if it makes you happy," I say, grinning broadly at her. Frisk nods fiercely, so much so, that I'm afraid she might start choking.

Through a large mouthful of food, Frisk mumbles, "Do it! The Underground needs you, Mum!" Toriel's smile broadens. Her eyes dance as she opens the case, revealing a beautiful gold tiara with amethysts set into in.

Lifting it carefully, she places it on her head. The stones seem to glow when they make contact with her fur. "Perhaps it is time for us all to don our crowns and roles."

Two hours later, and Frisk and I are packing our possessions, (which, honestly there aren't many of, apart from clothes and trinkets), into our suitcases. I thought that moving would be harder, sadder perhaps, but as I looks around the room, all I can really focus on is the growing mass of anxiety in my stomach. Frisk and I are going to be princesses. Princesses. With royal duties, and appearances to the public. We all knew, deep in our hearts that this was going to happen but knowing it and experiencing it are two different things. And I don't know if I really feel comfortable with this.

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