Chapter One

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Blaine's POV


"What if she didn't get the mutant gene Jimmy? What if I only have a limited time with my girl?"

"Then she wouldn't live in this cursed life Victor. She wouldn't be forced to undergo as much pain as you and I in our century. It would be a blessing, you know that, Victor."

"It would be blessing to get to live a long happy life with my cub, watch her learn to control the animal like you have, like I have. I want her to really take the time she needs to find a man that will give independence, and someone that she can love that will love her back unconditionally, for her to find her mate. You know what being a feral is like, it's a horrible terrible toll on a child, our father killed your father, then you killed our father, all when you were 11 or 12. There are some ups and downs on how her genes are. I just want her to be happy, and to spend as much time as I can with her. I want to be a good father unlike mine." I hear Daddy say to Uncle Jimmy.

"Daddy!!" I squeal, interrupting whatever Uncle Jimmy was going to say. I run up to him and jump, he catches me.

"Kitten!!" Daddy uses as much enthusiasm as me, spinning me around and giving me a big bear hug. I giggle the whole ride. He slows down and holds me close. "You need to stop growing so fast, baby girl." He whispers in my ear, then sets me down.

I giggle. "Daddy, the faster I grow up the faster I get to go places more with you and Uncle Jimmy." Then I look at the latter. "Uncle Jimmy!!" I yell launching myself at him as well. He smiles and catches me, giving me another bear hug.

"Hey pumpkin. How are you?" He asks.

"Great, I love it here!!" I yell at him, excited. 

"That is really great Blaine." Uncle Jimmy says.



Time has passed, I am now considered to be 21, my mutant ability had shown itself right before my 13th birthday. I scared the crap out of Dad when it happened. My mutant ability's are kind of a mix between my Uncles wolf base and my Dads cat base. I can turn into a giant wolf, but when in my human form I produce both kinds of claws, my dads nails and two almost Raptor claws on each hand, missing the middle claw, then the weirdest I have a knife in each foot. Now all of these are of course made of bone but make me a great fudging fighter.

Dad is very happy that I have the rapid healing both him and Uncle Jimmy have, he says that he couldn't bear it if he outlived me.

Anyway, right now we are fighting in a war, this time Dad said I was old enough, and skilled enough to go with them. The war we are fighting is in Vietnam. Dad has told me that him and Uncle Jimmy have fought in many, I even have a set of his old dog tags, as well as my Uncle Jimmy's. Of course I also have my own. 

I am with Uncle Jimmy shooting at this group of people, his aim is much better then mine, of course. 

Dad is off somewhere doing his own thing, he had told me to stay with Uncle Jimmy. 


Uncle Jimmy had just disappeared without letting me know. Then I hear him yelling at Dad. I follow the sound, I see them backed against each other  looking at the crew around them defensibly.

I sigh then charge in, pushing troops and punching the odd one.


Dad, Uncle Jimmy and I are all tied to posts, guns pointed at us, waiting to shoot and carry out our sentences. Dad and Jimmy whisper something to each other. Then the guns are loaded, pointed and shot. The world goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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