"What did I tell you about being so negative all the time? They made it alright? They're just.. taking their time." she said, pulling away and looking at you.

"They've taken way too much." you told her, a sad smile making its way onto your lips.

"I can get the fire going if you want. Why don't you make a call?" Clarke suggested and you nodded your head.

The calls were useless, never going through but nonetheless you found yourself hopping into the rover and driving away from what you knew as home.

You hummed to yourself, seeing Jaspers goggles propped up on the dashboard that only made your tears fall even more.

He and Monty were your best friends, you were known as the three musketeers.

You drove up a mountain and got out of the rover, setting the radio up as you sat on the hood, wiping your tears.

You held the microphone up to your mouth, sighing before pressing down on the button.

"Bellamy." you whispered, feeling your bottom lip quiver.

"It's been six years since Praimfaya." you said.

"Six years since I've seen you, let alone hear your voice." you paused to wipe at your eyes and let out a small sob.

"It's been so hard. No matter how hard I try to tell myself you're okay or try to move on I can't." you told him, crying softly.

"I can't sleep at night Bell.. Every minute of every day you're on my mind. Clarke found a child of her own." you smiled.

"I wonder how our little girl is. I remember her eyes. God they looked just like yours." you whispered softly, continuing to ramble on.

Pretending that he was out there, listening, soothed you when you were at your worst.

Back on the Ark however, Ravens jaw dropped after hearing your voice.

"Y/N! Y/n can you hear me?" she asked quickly but it was no use, the Arks end of communication was fried.

Raven quickly pressed a few buttons and soon your voice was heard throughout the speakers of the Ark.

"Please come back to me Bell. I don't know how much longer I can hold onto hope." you said softly.

"Hopefully Tee managed to feed all of you guys up there with that slimy algae." you smiled, shaking your head.

"And Echo teaches everyone how to kick ass, she was always good at that." you said.

"Is Murphy still a dick?" you grinned, biting your lip.

"At least he's got Emori who he never shuts up about." you said.

"And Raven.. God Raven I could really use your determination and motivation to keep me sane.. I miss you and your fucked up leg." you giggled, feeling yourself lighten up a bit.

"Can't forget about Harper. You're so strong.. Jesus I miss all of you so damn much." you said.

"I love you all. Bellamy, take care of Aurora. I know you're doing such a great job. If it was Clarke's day to reach out she'd tell you to shoot for the patch of green. That's where we are.. May we meet again." you whispered, turning the radio off and crying quietly.

Bellamy froze when he heard your voice speak throughout the Ark.

"Daddy who is that?" Aurora asked as he set her down on her feet, looking at Earth.

"It's mommy." he whispered, covering his mouth as he closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against the cold glass, listening to every word you said.

"Mommy! Mommy is here?" she asked excitedly, running up and down the halls.

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