Character Q/A

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I will be adding more as I get more questions. They all were sent in a PM

For Taehyung:

Hey cutie~ would you mind if I steal you for a bit? Just kidding, but how did you cope with your mother's death? Was it hard?

Taehyung's Response:

Yes, it was hard. But I believe she did it for a reason. Why, I do not know. But I'm sure she's in a better place. About stealing me away...I have a husband ;)

For 5 year old Jimin:

Hi cutie! Omo, I bet you are so cute >.<. You must be going to school by now. Do people bully you for being a kid out of two gays?

Jimin's response:

Eomma Jungoo told me not to talk to strangers. But I do go to school. The teachers can be big meanies. But what is a gay? Can I eat it?

For Jungkook:

Hi kookie! I was wondering if maybe we can be friends?

Jungkook's Response:

Hi there. Sure we can. Lemme just calm Taehyung down and we'll go for a drink :)

For Taehyung

Aye ;) would you let me keep you ? :3

Taehyung response:

Aye ;) , would you let me block you ? :3 - Jungkook. p.s ; he's mineee

Oops sorry. Jungkook answered. But he's right ^.^

For five year old Jimin

Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi I love u ❤❤❤

Jimin's response:

Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi I luv u too ❤❤❤

For The Mom:

Hey..why did you kill yourself?

Mom's response:

I want the best for Taehyung.

For The dad:

Are you sad your wife is gone?

The dad's response:

I don't feel comfortable answering. But I do miss her a lot.

For Francaìs:

They don't mention you a lot, but hey how are you? Are you eating well? How long have you served the Kims?

Francaìs' response:

Good night ma'am, I'm doing very well. I'm eating as I should, and I served them for seven years now. Have a good night.

For Jungkook:

Such a whiny baby in bed. Omo.

Jungkook's Response:

But you like it huh?




For Taehyung:

A steamy question!🔥🔞: Do you personally like when Jungkook whines in bed?

Taehyung's response:

...I think I just came. And I don't like them.

I love them.

Last question! For Present Jimin

Have you found the love of your life? If not can I be it?

Jimin's response: Maybe I have. Maybe I haven't.

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