》 six 《

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We arrive at the small house, made of what seemed like wood and twigs. We enter slowly, I let Jungkook go in first. He looks in awe as he walks over to the large close and open windows. If you opened them, you could run to the beach and go for a swim. I smiled to myself. Probably why we have shirts and shorts packed. There's two small couches, with a small table in the middle with rose petals that spelled out "Newly Weds"

I place the suitcases down and take a look at the rooms. On my left was a kitchen, one small table with two seats, down the hallway was the restroom, and one room. I look to see one king bed, red sheets in a velvet color. It was beautiful.

I felt arms around my waist, a head at my shoulder. I turn to see Jungkook's cheek, who awkwardly smiles.

"Is this okay?," he whispers. I nod slowly and close my eyes. All I could hear was our breathing and Jungkook's small humming. It had been a long trip, and now all I wanted to do was take a nap.

"Sleepy?," Jungkook asks softly. "Yeah," I mumble. He chuckles gently and untied his hands from my waist. He leaves and then comes back with our suitcase.

"Sleeping attire," he says as he leans over to open them. I grin at his caring personality and open my own, taking out a plain white shirt and shorts. Not caring, I slide off my jeans and shirt, putting on the new outfit instead. I stop mid shirt when I see him looking at me, jaw dropped. I gave him a shy smile before sliding it on completely. I reach out and close his mouth.

"Lets go to sleep," I mutter. He nods quickly and takes out a similar outfit to mines. I lay on my bed, staring at Jungkook. He slides off his shirt to reveal a well defined chest, and slides off the jeans to reveal strong, thick thighs. He smiles sheepishly at me as he slides on the sleeping attire.

He climbs into the bed with me. I shuffle to give him more space and throw on the covers. He gets comfortable and I sat up, not used to sleeping with a shirt.

"So you mind..if I take my shirt off?," I asked nervously. He turns and looks at me with a grin, "Not at all. Go for it"

I chuckle and take it off, throwing it to the other side of the bed. Finally comfortable, I hid my face in Jungkook's shirt and threw my hand over his shoulder so that it went next to his face. I don't usually go to bed without hugging something, and the was only so many pillows here.

Jungkook, however doesn't mind and we stay like that until we drift off into a deep slumber.

Royally Screwed •Taekook• [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now