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So...I received questions on why Taehyung's dad went away, why the mom was dead, and why I chose it to be like that. Here we go. Buckle up, this is gonna be a mega bumpy ride.

The Mom

• she suicided herself because for a long time, she was stressed about Taehyung and his love life. She wanted the best for him and so she hung herself. This caused the dad not be able to rule anymore, which was her intention. She never loved Taehyung's dad, but she did admire him. So she didn't really feel guilt.

》 The dad《

• He left to Maryland because of the pain in his heart. He didn't want his former subjects to ask him about the death of Lilia, Taehyung's mom, since he knew it was for the best. However, it was also so that he could move on and forget about royalty. Taehyung's dad fell in love with Lilia after she got pregnant.

》 The brother 《

There is a reason he was only mentioned once. In His Majesty he will make an appearance. He's 36 at the moment. He was mentioned because of what would happen if Taehyung, the oldest by two years, couldn't give a heir. So that makes Jimin 17.

So that's the explaining I owed you. And as gift for over 100 reads, you can ask questions to any of the characters. I will be answering as them in the next chapter. Highlight the name of the character you want to ask a question to. A yellow comment box will appear if you background on reading is black and white text like mines. I don't know what it will look like as reversed.

On the yellow box, tap it. Type out your question.

Or comment regularly but you have to use their name in a sentence. You can also send them privately to my inbox. I won't mention your username unless you want me to.



Jimin [As a five year old]

Taehyung's Dad

Taehyung's Mom [Lilia]

The brother🔞


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